Vara în Austria e cel puțin la fel de frumoasă ca iarna. Am vizitat frumosul oraș Salzburg, ne-am ”aventurat” în senzaționalul parc adrenalinic Area 47 [...]
Tag - instagram
Știai că ne plac felinarele? Dacă nu, afli acum. Așa că nu scăpăm nicio ocazie să pozăm felinare oriunde merge, prin lume. Așa s-a născut pagina noastră de[...]
Zona Caraibelor e un excelent prilej pentru a face mii de fotografii. Pur și simplu nu te poți abține să pozezi tot ceea ce vezi, mai ales atunci când, venind[...]
Fotografii cu apusuri de soare, creste înzăpezite ale munților, plaje cu nisip alb în contrast cu ape turcoaz… și multe alte scenarii pe care oricine le[...]
Camerele foto ale telefoanelor mobile sunt capabile in prezent sa realizeze fotografii despre care si cei mai critici fotografi vor spune ca sunt reusite si[...]
Mindy Terry – New Dehli, India Beautiful Mindy has the luck (which comes from her smartness) to earn her living working in fabulous places from all over[...]
Federico Sardi – Montevideo, Uruguay Federico is that kind of guy who can go on the highest mountain for taking a super picture. And that[...]
Marieke Schouten – Rotterdam, Netherlands If Rotterdam would organize a contest with „We want to find the best painter of an industrial city”[...]
Les Garcons aux Foulards – Paris, France A. is a Parisian born, who loves to speak in hot terms about his classical classy home city. It’s very[...]
Malvika Iyer – Chennai, India Malvika has an incredible life story – you can read about it following the links on her website, below. The power she[...]
Sandra Mendoza – Cabo san Lucas, Mexico Sandra lives in Mexico, not in any place in Mexico but in southern of the California peninsula, where, probably[...]
Chris Taylor – Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Chris must be a happy man. He lives in a small corner of Heaven, a surfers paradise, blessed by the sun[...]
Darrdi – Bangkok, Thailand Architect and designer, living in one of the most colorful and tasty cities of the world, Darrdi inspires ever[...]
Hasan Ali – Antalya, TURCIA Hasan Ali, a.k.a. si_murgg makes art from Instagram. His pictures have always an impact mainly because their athmosphere. Sometimes[...]
Hege Elisabeth Losoa – Tromso, NORWAY Hege lives in a place where many of us dream to get, thinking of the beauty of the northern lights and, for sure, of the[...]
David Halasz – Debrecen, Hungary David has a great passion of taking photos and sharing them with friends. He has an „eye” for the most[...]
Deborah Tracey – Alta Loma, Southern California, USA Deb Tracey is a photographer. A proffesional one. Whe you link the Instagram app with proffesional[...]
Daca ai un iPhone sau un telefon cu Android, inseamna ca ai auzit despre Instagram, aplicatia de photo-sharing, gratuita, care iti permite sa fotografiezi si[...]
Arta fotografica realizata cu un iPhone (4 sau 4s), indiferent ca e in forma bruta sau prelucrata cu ajutorul unor aplicatii, se schimba radical atunci cand[...]