Marieke Schouten – Rotterdam, Netherlands
If Rotterdam would organize a contest with „We want to find the best painter of an industrial city” theme, the winner will be, from a distance, Marieke Schouten. Who loves her city so much that every of her picture she made instantly transforms itself in a painting to be applauded in an urban exhibition. And those who admire these paintings and, after that, are visiting the biggest european harbour, will feel here as home.
Daca Rotterdam ar organiza un concurs cu tema „Vrem sa gasim cel mai bun pictor al unui oras industrial”, castigatoarea ar fi, de departe, Marieke Schouten. Care-si iubeste orasul atat de mult incat fiecare fotografie pe care o face se poate transforma intr-un tablou aplaudat intr-o expozitie urbana. Iar cei ce privesc aceste tablouri si viziteaza apoi cel mai mare port european, se vor simti acolo ca acasa.
1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?
My name is Marieke Schouten, I am 41 years old and live in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I am a newsproducer at a company called Stolk AV, we supply (war)cameramen and satellite trucks in Holland and over the world. My passion is diving and travelling, but haven’t done both for a while since I have a daughter who suffers from severe autism, which makes travelling impossible for me and her father.
1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?
Ma numesc Marieke Schouten, am 41 de ani si traiesc in Rotterdam, Olanda. Sunt producator de stiri si lucrez pentru o companie numita Stolk AV, care trimite cameramani (de razboi) si camioane in Olanda si in intreaga lume. Pasiunile mele sunt scufundarile si calatoriile, dar nu am mai apucat sa le fac de mult timp, deoarece am o fetita care sufera de autism sever si care face calatoria imposibila, atat pentru mine cat si pentru tatal ei.
2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?
I love Rotterdam for it’s harbour (one of) the biggest in the world) for it’s industrial look & feel and for not pretending. Rotterdam is always under construction and it’s a very multi-cultural place, I love that, lots to see! Can’t think of anything worse about it, love everything about this place.
2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?
Iubesc Rotterdamul pentru portul sau, unul dintre cele mai mari din lume, pentru aspectul industrial si pentru faptul ca nu este un oras cu pretentii. Rotterdam este mereu in constructie si este, totodata, un loc multicultural. Imi place asta, ai multe de vazut! Nu ma pot gandi la nimic rau in ceea ce-l priveste, imi place absolut totul la el.
3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?
a) The harbour by day- and nighttime. The noise, the smell, the lights, the activity. It’s beautiful.
b) The Euromast; a 150m high tower which gives great views over Rotterdam and the harbour (on a clear day..)
c) ‘De kop van Zuid’, it used to be a desolated, dilapidated wharf. It’s given new life to it and the area is really nice; with pubs, restaurants, bars and a theatre.
3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?
a) Portul, ziua si noaptea. Zgomotul, mirosul, luminile, activitatea. E minunat.
b) The Euromast – un tunel inalt de 150 de metri de unde se pot vedea privelisti incantatoare asupra orasului si portului (atunci cand e senin).
c) “De kop van Zuid” – candva chei dezafectate si dezolante, carora li s-a oferit recent o noua viata. Zona e cu adevarat drauta, cu pub-uri, restaurante, baruri si un teatru.
4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?
I love Indian food. There’s nothing else like it.
Local food: a dish called ‘Kapsalon’ which literally means ‘hairdresser’. It’s a kebab, with french fries, with garlic sauce and salad, all mixed in one dish. It’s heavy stuff, but beautiful food, especially after a heavy night out in town 😉
Drink: Brandewijn. It’s a bit like brandy, but better! You can get it in a little town called Schiedam, right next to Rotterdam. Just ask, everybody will know.
4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?
Imi place mancarea indiana. Nimic nu se compara cu ea. Ca mancare locala: un preparat care se numeste „Kapsalon”, care s-ar traduce prin „coafor”. E un kebab, cu cartofi prajiti, usturoi si salata. O mancare grea dar buna, in special dupa ce ai petrecut o noapte dificla in oras.
Ca bautura: Brandewijn. Seamana cu un brandy, dar e mai buna. O gasesti intr-un orasel numit Schiedam, aflat in apropiere de Rotterdam. Intreaba pe oricine, va sti de ea.
5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)
Since our daughter is severely disabled I don’t eat or go out a lot. But if I do I love to go to a place called ‘Hotel New York’ and get a seaplatter there with lobster, tiger prawn etc. The place is called ‘Hotel New York’ because in the early day the ships with immigrants to the US would leave from here.
5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?
De cand fetita noastra are probleme grave nu prea mai ies in oras.Dar daca o fac, totusi, imi place sa merg intr-un loc care se numeste „Hotel New York” unde comand homar, creveti uriasi, etc. Localul se numeste asa fiindca pe vremuri de aici din zona plecau vasele cu emigranti catre America.
6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)
I love travelling, and have been all over the world for many years. My favorite places were India and Guatamala, beautiful scenery, light, food. My wish is to go Madagascar, but have many travelling wishes left..
6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?
Imi plac sa calatoresc si am mers in multe locuri din lume. Locurile mele preferate sunt India si Guatemala – peisajele superbe, lumina, mancarea. Dorinta mea e sa merg in Madagascar, dar am si multe alte dorinte legate de calatorie…
[nggallery id=45]7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?
I can’t stop taking pictures, it’s driving the people around me mad. Call it an addiction. I like IG a lot because it gives you the opportunity to see the world through other peoples eyes.
7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?
Nu ma pot opri sa fac poze, e un lucru care-i enerveaza pe cei din jurul meu. Se poate numi dependenta. Imi place mult Instagramul fiindca iti da posibilitatea sa vezi lumea prin ochii altor oameni.
* Follow Marieke on Instagram / Urmareste-o pe Marieke pe Instagram:
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