Instagram is the application that changed the photographic vision of many people. Not only that, since the born of high class camera phones, many of us discovered that we can take very good pics without backpacking heavy photo equipment but also because the aplication\’s filters – as many other aplication\’s filters, even better – brought a new perspective about image. And even more important, the social component of Instagram made that people from all over the world could get in contact, interact, and get friends to each other through a form sometimes better thatn words: image. Every day, someone from Brazil opens Instagram and follows image life of his friend from Romania. Every day, the new yorker businessman will discover how relaxing is life of a new-zeeland surfer. Every day, the indian from Calcutta will amaze his Lisbon mate with colorful and spicy shots. Usual people lives from everywhere are amazing.
Using Instagram as a pretext, TukTuk presents people and places from all over the world, in 7 questions and 5 instagrams. Discover the world with InstaTuk and make friends everywhere! Maybe someday you will arrive in those places and you will know. You will know that there\’s a friend you can count on. Get in TukTuk, make an InstaTuk! The world is yours!
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column] [vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text width=”1/1″ el_position=”last”]Instagram este aplicatia care a schimbat viziunea fotografica a multor oameni. Nu doar pentru ca, odata cu aparitia telefoanelor cu camere foto performante, lumea a descoperit ca poate face fotografii foarte bune fara a mai cara kilograme de echipament dar si pentru ca filtrele aplicatiei – ca si a multor alte aplicatii chiar mai bune din acest punct de vedere – au adus o noua perspectiva asupra imaginii. Insa mai presus de asta, componenta sociala a Instagramului a facut ca oameni din intreaga lume sa intre in contact, sa interactioneze, sa se imprieteneasca, printr-o forma deseori mai graitoare decat orice cuvant: imaginea. In fiecare zi, o persoana din Brazilia deschide Instagram-ul si urmareste viata in imagini a prietenului din Romania. In fiecare zi, businessman-ul din tumultuosul New York va descoperi cat de relaxata e viata surferului dintr-un orasel neo-zeelandez. In fiecare zi, indianul din Calcutta isi va uimi amicul din Lisabona cu instantanee colorate si condimentate. Vietile oamenilor obisnuiti de pretutindeni, sunt, in felul lor, uimitoare.
Uzand de pretextul Instagram, TukTuk iti prezinta oameni si locuri de pretutindeni in 7 intrebari si 5 instagrame. Descopera lumea cu InstaTuk si fa-ti prieteni peste tot! Intr-o zi, poate vei ajunge in acele locuri si vei sti. Vei sti ca ai un prieten pe care te poti baza. Urca in TukTuk, fa un InstaTuk! Lumea e a ta!
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