
InstaTuk: Darrdi (Thailand)

Darrdi – Bangkok, Thailand

darrdiArchitect and designer, living in one of the most colorful and tasty cities of the world, Darrdi inspires ever Instagrammer  with her vibrant pictures. Come in her world of exotic beauties and don’t forget to put Bangkok on your travel list!

Arhitecta si designer, traieste intr-unul dintre cele mai colorate si delicioase orase ale lumii – Darrdi inspira orice instagrammer cu fotografiile sale vibrante. Vino in lumea ei de frumuseti exotice si nu uita sa treci Bangkok pe lista ta de calatorii!

1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?

I live in Bangkok, Thailand. I am an architect working as a building laws consultants. I have so many passions, but one of my passion since I was young is about taking photos. But I had left the camera behind for a long time, before restarted few years ago.

1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?

Locuiesc in Bankgkok, Thailanda. Sunt arhitecta si fac consultanta juridica. Am multe pasiuni, una dintre cele mai vechi fiind aceea de a face fotografii. La un moment dat am lasat camera foto deoparte dar acum cativa ani am reinceput.

Bangkok. Photo: Darrdi

2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?

Yes, I love Bangkok, the city of contrast. The best 3 things in Bangkok as a Bangkokian’s view:

– If you love to eat, you can find all kinds of food to try. In a wide range of price. From food stalls along the streetsides, in a market to many best restaurants in town.

– If you love fashion, all kind of clothes & accessories are here and yes, in many price ranges. From cheap street clothes to the famous Thai designers.

– Smile, people is easy to smile, quite friendly and helpful.

Like other big cities in the world, you have to aware for the thieves, the extra charges from taxis & tuk tuk & bars

Another best thing of Bangkok is, the best traffic jam .. Oops!! I would say it’s the worst thing here, especially in the morning & evening with heavy rain : (

2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?

Da, iubesc Bangkok-ul, e un oras al contrastelor. Cele mai bune trei lucruri, din punctul de vedere al unui bangkokian sunt:

– Daca-ti place sa mananci bine, vei gasi si vei putea incerca absolut toate felurile de mancare. Intr-o mare diversitate de preturi. De la mancarea stradala si cea din magazine pana la cele mai bune restaurante.

– Daca iubesti moda, toate colectiile de haine si accesorii sunt prezente aici, da, in aceeasi diversitate de preturi. De la haine ieftine, pe care le gasesti pe strada, la cei mai cunoscuti designeri thailandezi.

– Zambetul. Oamenii zambesc tot timpul, sunt prietenosi si gata sa-ti sara in ajutor.

Ca in orice mare oras al lumii, trebuie sa ai grija la hoti, la supratarifele taximetristilor si celor cu tuktuk-uri.

Un alt lucru bun aici este aglomeratia din trafic. Ups! Am vrut sa spun ca acesta e cel mai rau lucru, in special dimineata si seara si mai ales cand ploua.

Flower market. Photo: Darrdi

3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?

There are many interesting places in Bangkok, but if I have to pick only 3 places. Here you are:

– The Grand Palace and the Emerald Buddha temple (Wat Phra Kaew) which was built in 1782. It’s very nice architecture and intricate details. Despite of the beauty of architecture, the Ramayana – Mural Paintings along the galleries of the temple also is a proud to the creativity and craftsmanship of Thai people. And have a walk around this area, seeing local market,  piers, and 2 most famous Universities.

– Have a Chinatown cycling tours. Riding in the narrow alleys will give you an unforgetable experience.

– “Khaosarn Road” the famous walking street for foreigner. It is a short street along with cafés, shops, but the area around is also more interesting. On Chao Phraya river’s bank, there is National Fort (Phra Sumen Fort), the last fort in Santi Chai Prakarn Public Park which is in the walking distance from Khaosarn also cannot be missed.

3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?

Sunt multe locuri interesante in Bangkok, dar daca ar fi sa aleg doar trei, acestea ar fi urmatoarele:

– Marele Palat si templul de Smarald al lui Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew), care a fost construit in 1782. Are o arhitectura deosebita, cu detalii elaborate. In ciuda frumusetii arhitectonice, picturile murale Ramayana care se afla de-a lungul galeriilor templului, sunt un alt motiv de mandrie in privinta creativitatii si priceperii poporului thailandez. Daca te vei plimbi prin aceasta zona mai ai de vazut un market local, pontonul si doua universitati de renume.

– Turul pe bicicleta al Chinatown-ului. Plimbarea pe aleile inguste iti vor oferi o experienta de neuitat.

– Khaosarn Road – cea mai cunoscuta strada pietonala pentru turisti. E o strada scurta, plina de cafenele si magazine, insa zona din vecinatate este de asemenea interesanta. Pe malul raului Chai Phraya se afla Fortul National (Phra Sumen Fort), ultimul fort din parcul public Santi Chai Prakarn. E la scurta distanta de Khaosarn si nu trebuie ratat.

Hong Kong. Photo: Darrdi

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?

It’s easier to ask me what I don’t like to eat : ) Thai food might not as famous as Chinese &

Japanese food for foreigner, but I could guarantee the various kinds and tastes which you’ll never find in the other places on earth.

It’s difficult to tell which local food is the best. Because local Thai food come as a “set” with plain rice and other side dishes. But the 2 of famous dishes to be served for the tourist are “Som Tam” (Papaya spicy salad) and “Tom Yum Kung” (Sour prawn soup) which is also favorite dishes for local people.

The local famous drink should be “Singha Beer” and “Beer Chang” serving as “Beer woon” (frozen beer) is suitable for the warm weather of Bangkok

For the non-alcohol drink, local herbal drink would be great for the health, try pandan water, lemongrass water, watermelon, mango, banana and other tropical fruits also is a great choices.

Santorini. Photo: Darrdi

4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?

E mai usor sa ma intrebi ce nu-mi place sa mananc. Poate ca mancarea thailandeza nu e atat de populara precum cea chinezeasca sau japoneza, dar garantez ca are o imensa varietate de feluri si gusturi, pe care nu o vei gasi in nicio alta parte din lume.

E greu sa spui care este cea mai buna mancare locala. Asta pentru ca mancarea thailandeza vine mereu la pachet cu orez si cu alte feluri de mancare. Dar cele mai cunoscute doua feluri servite turistilor sunt Som Tam (salata picanta de papaya) si Tom Yum Kung (supa acra de creveti), acesta fiind un preparat popular si printre localnici.

Cele mai bune bauturi locale sunt berile Singha si Chang, de cele mai multe ori servite ca “beer woon” (bere de la gheata), potrivita pentru temperaturile ridicate din Bangkok.

In privinta bauturilor nealcoolice, cele din plante sunt excelente pentru sanatate. Poti incerca apa pandan, apa de lemongrass. Iar pepenele, mango, banane si alte fructe tropicale sunt intotdeauna o alegere buna.

Seville. Photo: Darrdi

5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)

There are several kinds of restaurant but if I have to pick one of the best Thai food in town, I would pick “Kalapapruek” at Pramuan road, Silom area.

The original Thai dishes that still serving for the royal Thai family, many dishes here is a must to try and not easy to find in other Thai restaurants.

5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?

Sunt cateva restaurante foarte bune dar daca ar fi sa aleg cel mai bun local cu mancare thailandeza din oras, as alege Kalapapruek, situat pe strada Pramuan, in zona Silom. Insasi familia regala primeste preparate de aici iar felurile de mancare trebuie incercate mai ales ca nu le intalnesti in alte restaurante din Thailanda.

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6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)

I love to travel, even my routine job rarely allow me to do so. But I often have a short break to somewhere, and yes, with my camera. I had a chance to visit a few places on earth but I would  say my favorites place is Oia, Santorini Island in Greece.

This place is like a dream, which life seems to be paused. What I did while I was there is to take a deep breath of romandioxide in the air and just relax.

I have a long lists waiting for me for the place I would like to visit. But the short lists are:

Scandinavian: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden . Would like to see the midnight sun and the aura in the sky

Petra, Jordan  The beautiful pink and orange stones from the ancient world looks great for me, wondering what is inside.

Pyramid, Egypt. Study of historic architecture brought me to the interesting in Pyramid structure.

Machu Picchu, Peru. Again, the ancient architecture by Incas is somewhat really interesting for me.

6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?

Imi place, chiar daca job-ul meu de rutina imi permite rareori sa o fac. Insa mai am escapade scurte si atunci imi iau camera foto dupa mine. Am avut sansa sa vizitez cateva locuri din lume dar as spune ca cel care a ramas favorit este Oia, insula Santorini, in Grecia. Locul acesta e ca un vis, in care viata pare sa fie pe pauza. Cand am fost acolo n-am facut altceva decat sa respir adanc si sa ma relaxez.

Am o lista lunga de locuri pe care as vrea sa le vizitez, iar pe lista scurta se afla: Scandinavia – Danemarca, Finlanda, Norvegia, Suedia. As vrea sa vad noptile albe si aurora boreala. Apoi Petra, in Iordania. Minunatele pietre roz si portocalii din antichitate. Piramidele egiptene – studiul arhitecturii m-a facut sa fiu interesata de structura acestora. Machu Picchu, Peru – din nou, stravechea arhitectura a incasilor e un alt lucru care m-ar interesa.

7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?

When I travelled, I took a lot of pictures. I just joined Instagram for few months, and it open a  new vision of mine. I could see great photos from other people. Many places I’ve never been, and most of them inspired me to visit someday. And I see their daily lifes through the photos.

Instagram had changed my point of view for my own photos. In my gallery, people liked the    photos which I did not impressed it much and vice versa. And the feeling to that photos was changed every time I saw them.

7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?

 Cand calatoresc fac multe poze. Am cont pe Instagram de cateva luni si de atunci s-a deschis o noua lume. Pot vedea fotografii excelente facute de alti oameni, din locuri in care n-am fost niciodata si care ma inspira in a le vizita candva. Vad vietile lor de zi cu zi prin fotografii.

Instagram-ul mi-a schimbat si punctul de vedere asupra propriilor mele fotografii. Oamenilor le plac unele poze din galeria mea, care pe mine nu ma impresionau prea tare. Si invers. Iar senzatia legata de acele fotografii se schimba de fiecare data cand le vad.

* Follow Darrdi on Instagram / Urmareste-o pe Darrdi pe Instagram: @darrdi

* Buy Darrdi’s pics on Instacanvas / Cumpara fotografiile lui Darrdi, pe Instacanvas:

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