
InstaTuk: Chris Taylor (New Zealand)

Chris Taylor  – Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

img_2075-6Chris must be a happy man. He lives in a small corner of Heaven, a surfers paradise, blessed by the sun almost every day of the year, a place where life is relaxing and inspiring. There’s no wonder that, in these conditions, his pictures have plenty of the upwords elements and make everybody dream at having a vacation in his country. Apparently, New Zealand is at the end of the world. But Chris brings it much closer, just for us.

(Chris is not always using the Instagram square format for his pics so we prefered to let them in their original aspect)

Chris trebuie sa fie un fericit. Traieste intr-un mic colt de rai, un paradis al surferilor, mangaiat de soare aproape tot timpul anului, in care viata e relaxanta si inspiranta. Nu-i de mirare ca, in aceste conditii, fotografiile lui respira toate elementele de mai sus si fac pe oricine sa viseze la o vacanta acolo. Aparent, Noua Zeelanda e la capatul lumii. Dar Chris Taylor ne-o aduce mult mai aproape.

(Chris nu foloseste intotdeauna formatul patrat al Instagram-ului, asa ca am preferat sa lasam fotografiile lui in formatul original)

1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?

I was raised in the southern city of Christchurch, New Zealand, a city that in 2010 & 2011 suffered devastating earthquakes destroying over 1000 commercial buildings and over 7000 homes.

For the past 16 years I have lived in the city of Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand where I work as an accounts receivable manager for a national company. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Sociology. I have been married 36 years and have three adult children and two grandchildren.

Bay of Plenty. Photo: Chris Taylor

1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?

Am crescut in sudul orasului Christchurch, din Noua Zeelanda, un oras care in 2010 si 1011 a avut de suferit in urma devastatoarelor cutremure care au distrus peste 1000 de cladiri comerciale si peste 7000 de case.

In ultimii 16 ani am trait in orasul Tauranga din Bay of Plenty, Noua Zeelanda. Lucrez ca manager contabil pentru o companie nationala. Am un masterat in Sociologie, am fost maritat vreme de 36 de ani, am trei copii mari si doi nepoti.

2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?

New Zealand is very much an outdoor living country and I enjoy making the most of the recreational opportunities this country has to offer. I enjoy travel, photography and gardening. The region I live in is favoured by a warm sunny climate and is a very popular travel and holiday destination. In terms of population this is one of the fastest growing regions of New Zealand. It is just 2.5 hours drive or a 30 minute flight to Auckland, the country’s largest city.

The Bay of Plenty was named by early British explorer Capt James Cook on his 1769-1770 voyage because he noted it had an abundance of resources. This is a region of stunning ocean beaches and a beautiful hinterland of bush, rivers, lakes and mountains. It is New Zealand’s major kiwifruit and avocado growing area. The bay boasts New Zealand’s largest export port by tonnage. It is also on the cruise ship circuit with 84 cruise ship visits scheduled this summer.

I think the three best things about living here are very much lifestyle related. Easy access to stunning beaches, 2400 hours of sunshine a year, and relaxed small city living. The worst thing? That’s a difficult question because it’s all relative. For me, probably the lack of options offered in larger cities.

2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?

Noua Zeelanda este o tara in care se traieste foarte mult in aer liber iar mie imi place sa exploatez toate oportunitatile recreationale pe care le ofera aceasta tara. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa fotografiez si sa fac gradinarit. Regiunea in care locuiesc este favorizata de un climat cald si insorit, totodata este o destinatie foarte populara pentru calatorie si vacante. Daca ne referim la populatie, aceasta zona este una cu rata de crestere demografica cea mai mare. SE afla la doar doua ore si jumatate de sofat de Auckland – cel mai mare oras al tarii.

Numele de Bay of Plenty a fost dat de exploratorul britanic James Cook, in calatoria lui din anii 1769-1770, cand a constatat ca zona e plina de resurse. Este cu adevarat o regiune cu plaje incredibile, cu o mare varietate de tufisuri, cu rauri, lacuri si munti. Este cea mai intinsa zona din Noua Zeelanda in care cresc fructele kiwi si avocado. Din acest golf se face cel mai mare export de mare tonaj al tarii. De asemenea, golful se afla in circuitul naval – 84 vase de croaziera au plecari planificate de aici in aceasta vara (n.t. in emisfera sudica este vara acum).

Cred ca cele mai bune trei lucruri despre traiul aici sunt legate de lifestyle. Acces facil la plajele impresionante, 2400 ore de soare pe an si un orasel relaxat. Cel mai rau? E greu de spus, fiindca e un lucru relativ. Pentru mine, probabil lipsa de optiuni pe care ti-o ofera orasele mari.

Photo: Chris Taylor

3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?

If I was a tour guide here I would like to show visitors the sweeping vistas from Mauao (Mt Maunganui) and a visit to the nearby city of Rotorua would be a must. The Rotorua district is rich in Maori (indigenous) culture and is also a thermally active area with several hot mineral pools and spas renowned for their therapeutic benefits.

3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?

Daca as fi ghid in aceasta zona mi-as dori sa le arat vizitatorilor peisajele fantastice ce se pot vedea de pe Mauao (Muntele Maunganui) dar si sa facem o vizita in orasul vecin, Rotorua. Districtul Rotorua este foarte bogat in cultura Maori (indigena) si este de asemeneao zona activa termal, cu cateva piscine de ape termale renumite pentru proprietatile terapeutice.

Photo: Chris Taylor

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?

The Bay of Plenty and New Zealand in general offers a huge range of food and produce grown in a relatively clean green environment. I like seafood and would recommend fresh fish, shellfish and the delectable crayfish (lobster). New Zealand is great wine country renown for its Sauvignon Blanc and increasingly its Pinot Noir wines. I enjoy wine and the increasing range of ‘boutique’ craft beers produced here.

4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?

Bay of Plenty si, in general, Noua Zeelanda, ofera o mare varietate de mancaruri si produse crescute intr-un mediu ambiental relativ curat. Imi plac fructele de mare si recomand oricand pestele proaspat, scoicile si homarul. Noua Zeelanda e o tara renumita pentru vinuri, in special Sauvignon Blanc si din ce in ce mai mult, Pinot Noir. Imi place vinul dar imi plac si berile locale, produse in „buticuri” specifice.


5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)

My favourite restaurant in this city is Volare, an authentic Italian restaurant in a beautiful character building overlooking the inner harbour. For a more casual experience I’d really recommend the New Zealand takeaway favourite ‘fish and chips’ eaten on the beach at Pilot Bay at sunset especially on days when cruise ships depart.

5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?

Restaurantul meu preferat e Volare, unul cu specific italienesc, situat intr-o cladire frumoasa, cu vedere deasupra portului. Pentru oe xperienta mai casual as recomanda un „fish and chips” luat la pachet de pe orice plaja din Pilot Bay, la asfintit, in special in zilele cand vasele pleaca din port.

Photo: Chris Taylor

6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)

I enjoy travel and believe that it brings richness to life well beyond that of the acquisition of material things. Travel broadens the mind and gives an invaluable understanding and appreciation of how others live. It is the diversity in societies, cultures, landscape and climate make travel so wonderful. I have been to Australia (several times), Vanuatu, Singapore, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, Italy, Sicily, Greece, France, England, Ireland, Hungary, Sri Lanka and the USA. It’s hard to choose a favourite place because they all have unique attractions. I loved New York, San Francisco and Paris. I also really love Port Douglas, a small coastal resort town in far north Queensland, Australia. Probably the place that really impressed me is the stunning Cinque Terre coast on the Italian Riviera.

6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?

Imi place sa calatoresc si cred ca acest lucru aduce bogatie vietii, mult mai mult decat achizitionarea unor bunuri materiale. Calatoria imbogateste spiritul si te face sa intelegi si sa apreciezi cum traiesc alti oameni. Exista o diversitate in soocietati, culturi, peisaje si climate, care face calatoria un lucru minunat. Am fost de cateva ori in Australia, in Vanuatu, Singapore, Dubai, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Italia, Sicilia, Grecia, Franta, Anglia, Irlanda, Ungaria, Sri Lanka si Statele Unite. E greu sa aleg un loc favorit deoarece toate sunt unice. Imi plac New York, San Francisco si Paris. Imi place mult Port Douglas, un mic orasel de vacanta din nordul Queenslandului, in Australia. Iar locul care, probabil, m-a impresionat cel mai mult este Cinque Terre, din Italia.

Photo: Chris Taylor

7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?

I have a real and increasing interest in photography. I think my interest in photography comes from my late father who took up photography in his 40’s and became a national and international award winner. I enjoy Instagram because it is the easiest way to share my world in images with a wide audience. Conversely I very much enjoy seeing the world through the lens of other Instagrammers and also learn a lot from their photographic skills and techniques. I also enjoy the friendships that have developed through Instagram.

7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?

Am un interes real si din ce in ce mai mare pentru fotografie. Cred ca el vine de la tatal meu, care a facut fotografie cand avea 40 de ani si a facut-o cu succes, fiind castigator a mai multe premii nationale si internationale. Imi place Instagram-ul deoarece e cel mai usor mijloc pentru a impartasi lumea mea in imagini cu ceilalti, foarte multi. In plus, imi place sa vad lumea prin lentilele instagrammerilor si totodata invat mult din tehnicile lor fotografice. Si imi plac si prieteniile care se leaga prin intermediul Instagram-ului.

Follow Chris on Instagram / Urmareste-l pe Chris pe Instagram:

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