
InstaTuk: Hege Losoa (Norway)

Hege Elisabeth Losoa – Tromso, NORWAY

hegeHege lives in a place where many of us dream to get, thinking of the beauty of the northern lights and, for sure, of the mirage of Aurora Borealis. Even if cold, Tromso, from the words of enthusiastic Hege, has many things to offer. Let’s check!

Hege traieste intr-un loc in care multi dintre noi visam sa ajungem, gandindu-ne la minunatele lumini ale nordului sau, desigur, la mirajul aurorei boreale. Desi rece, Tromso, din vorbele entuziastei Hege, are multe lucruri de oferit. Hai sa vedem!

1.Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live, what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?

My name is Hege Elisabeth, I’m 38 years old and I live up north in Norway with my teenage daughter, above the Arctic Circle in a town called Tromso. It’s a small town with a population of 70.000 inhabitants and 10.000 students. I work at the police custody in town, it is challenging and exciting and I really like my job. If I have any passions worth mention, it has to be travelling and planning my next journey.

1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?

Ma numesc Hege Elisabeth, am 38 de ani si locuiesc in nordul Norvegiei, impreuna cu fiica mea adolescenta, deasupra Cercului Arctic, in orasul Tromso. E un orasel cu o populatie de 70.000 de locuitori si 10.000 de studenti. Eu lucrez in politia locala, e un job provocator care imi place mult. daca exista vreo pasiune care ar merita mentionata, atunci aceasta este calatoria si planificarea urmatorului meu traseu.

Northern lights of Tromso. Photo: Hege Losoa

2.Do you love the city you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?

The best thing about living up here is the beauty of the nature. I can actually get dressed at home for hiking, walk out of my door and then be outside in the wilderness. I can hike on the highest mountains, pick up blueberries in August or go skiing in winter just a few minutes from home. My town is a safe place to live, it is child friendly and we have a great university hospital with high competence. In summer we have the midnight sun from May to August, and in winter we have the beautiful, playful and magic northern lights. The only bad thing to tell about my place is the weather – it can be cruel both in summer and winter. Lots of rain and lots of snow, and it can be cold.

2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?

Cel mai bun lucru pe care ti-l ofera traiul aici este frumusetea naturii. Oricand poti merge sa faci hiking – ies din casa si ma trezesc in salbaticie. Ma pot catara pe cei mai inalti munti, sa culeg afine in luna august sau sa schiez iarna la doar cateva minute de locul in care stau. Orasul meu e un loc aflat in siguranta, e prietenos pentru copii, avem un spital universitar excelent si de calitate. Vara avem noptile albe, din mai pana in august, iarna avem minunatele si magicele lumini ale nordului. Unicul lucru mai putin bun este vremea – deseori foarte rea, atat vara cat si iarna. Ploaie multa si multa zapada – plus frig.

Tromso bridge. Photo: Hege Losoa

3.If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?

When I have visitors from other places I like to show them the cable car that takes us up the mountain. It has a great view over the town and the mountains that surrounds us. We can also walk up, but that is only for the sporty people. Everybody, young and old, can take the cable car. Another thing I like to show visitors is Sommaroy, it is an island 1 hour drive from home. It is so beautiful with white beaches and sharp mountains that goes right into the ocean. You can go hiking, swimming in the summer, fishing or just hang out on one of the beaches. You’ll probably have a beach all by yourself. I also like to show my guests the Polaria, an indoor exhibition with fish, seals and other creatures living in the ocean. You can learn about the Norwegian oil industry, the northern lights and polar area. All these things is suitable for people in all ages.

3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?

Cand am oaspeti din alte locuri imi place sa-i duc cu telefericul care urca sus, in munti. Privelistea orasului si a locurilor inconjuratoare e mareata. Putem urca si la pas, dar acest lucru e doar pentru cei mai sportivi. Oricine poate lua telefericul, fie ca-s tineri sau in varsta. Un alt loc care-mi place sa-l arat oaspetilor este Sommaroy – o insula care se afla la o ora de condus distanta de casa. Este foarte frumoasa, are plaje albe si munti semeti care se rastoarna catre ocean. Poti face catarari, poti inota vara, poti pescui sau pur si simplu sa stai pe plaja. E posibil sa gasesti o plaja numai pentru tine. In fine, imi place sa le arat vizitatorilor Polaria, o expozitie indoor cu pesti, foci si alte creaturi oceanice. Acolo poti invata lucruri despre industria norvegiana a uleiului, despre luminile nordului si despre zona polara. Un loc vizitat in special de persoane mai in varsta.

Sommaroy. Photo: Hege Losoa

4.What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?

I usually make dinner at home, and I like to eat and make local food like reindeer. It is high quality meat and just as healthy as fish. I also make my own meatballs and gets really inspired by travelling. I’ve picked up a few tips here and there and now I am trying to find a way to make real Italian pizza like the one you get in Rome. You can buy fresh fish and shrimps right from the boats downtown. Tromso also have their own brewery that produces different kind of beer, it is actually the worlds northernmost brewery.

4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?

De regula pregatesc cina acasa – imi place sa mananc si sa gatesc mancare locala, precum carnea de ren. E o carne de mare calitate si la fel de sanatoasa ca pestele. Imi place sa fac chiftele si, de regula, ma inspir si din locurile in care calatoresc. Iau cateva sugestii de ici de colo iar acum, de pilda, incerc sa fac pizza in stil italian, exact ca la Roma. Poti cumpara peste proaspat si creveti direct din barcile din port. In Tromso exista si o fabrica de bere, care produce diferite tipuri de bere – in fapt, e cea mai nordica berarie din lume.

Colloseum, Rome. Photo: Hege Losoa

5.Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)

My favorite place to eat out is a restaurant called Emma’s drommekjokken. It reasently got very good reviews in the Michelin guide. They serve local arctic food mixed with global food, it is like a dream to be served and eat at Emma’s. It is expensive but it is so worth it!

5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?

 Locul meu favorit cand vine vorba de luat masa in oras este un restaurant ce se numeste Emma’s drommekjokken. Are review-ui foarte bune in ghidurile Michelin. Servesc mancare arctica locala, dar si preparate internationale – e un vis sa fii servit la Emma’s. E scump, dar merita!

Times Square. Photo: Hege Losoa

6.Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)

I love travelling around the world, but also in my home country. Norway has many pretty places, and one of the most beautiful places on earth has to be Lofoten. Up north is the best place to travel in Norway, but that is my subjective opinion. When I travel abroad I love big city’s. I live in a small town in a small country, so big city’s fascinates me.  I love the culture and beauty in Rome, New York is so cool, I feel at home in London and Berlin is strange and funny. I love the pulse and the energy in the cities, the noise, shopping, restaurants and just watching people in a hurry passing by. It’s hard to pick a place I can call my favorite, but in the summer 2011 I was standing at Rialto beach in Olympic Peninsula, watching the Pacific Ocean hit the American West coast while the sun drop below the horizon. That was pretty awesome.There are so many places on my bucket list and I hope I get to see all of them. I’ve always wanted to go to Cuba and drink mojitos and to Africa to see the wild animals there.

6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?

Imi place sa vad lumea dar si sa calatoresc prin Norvegia. Tara mea are multe locuri dragute, de pilda unul dintre cele mai frumoase este Lofoten. Cea mai buna regiune este nordul dar probabil aici sunt subiectiva. Cand merg in strainatate imi plac orasele mari. Eu locuiesc intr-un oras mic, intr-o tara mica, asa ca orasele mari ma fascineaza. Imi place cultura si frumusetea Romei. New York este atat de cool, in Londra ma simt ca acasa iar Berlinul e ciudat si amuzant. Imi place sa iau pulsul si sa simt energia oraselor, zgomotele, shoppingul, restaurantele sau pur si simplu sa privesc oamenii care trec prin dreptul meu. E greu sa spun ca am un loc favorit, dar in vara lui 2011 stateam pe plaja Rialto, in Olympic Peninsula (nord-vestul Statelor Unite, n.t.), privind Oceanul Pacific in timp ce soarele apunea. Era pur si simplu fantastic.

Sunt atat de multe locuri in care as vrea sa ajung si sper sa apuc sa le vad pe toate. Intotdeauna am vrut sa ajung in Cuba si sa beau mojito dar si in Africa, unde sa vad animalele salbatice de acolo.

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7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?

I must have over 50.000 pictures on my computer, so I love photographing. 4 years ago I bought my first SLR and I use it all the time. I bring it everywhere I travel and tries to capture the moments while they pass by. I really like instagram, not only to publish my own pictures, but to watch others. It brings me to places I’ve been to and want to visit some day, and it is available from where ever I am. I actually have got some new friends on facebook from the other side of the world because of instagram. It is very inspiring.

7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?

Cred ca am peste 50.000 de fotografii in computer, deci imi place sa fac poze. Acum patru ani mi-am cumparat primul SLR si de atunci il folosesc mereu. Il iau peste tot in calatorie si intotdeauna incerc sa capturez momentul. Imi place cu adevarat Instagramul, nu doar pentru a-mi incarca propriile poze ci si pentru a le vedea pe ale celorlalti. Ma poarta in locuri pe care as vrea sa le vizitez intr-o buna zi. Datorita Instagram-ului mi-am facut pe Facebook cativa prieteni din cealalta parte a lumii.

* Follow Hege on Instagram / Urmareste-o pe Hege pe Instagram:  @Losoa

* Follow Hege’s website / Urmareste site-ul lui Hege:

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