
InstaTuk: David Halasz (Hungary)

David Halasz – Debrecen, Hungary

davidDavid has a great passion of taking photos and sharing them with friends. He has an “eye” for the most interesting things and places he passes by and every pic of him will take you in a journey. Most of them, in a beautiful Hungarian journey.

David are o pasiune imensa in a face fotografii si a le arata prietenilor sai. El are ochi pentru cele mai interesante lucruri si locuri pe langa care trece iar fiecare poza de-a lui te va purta intro calatorie. Majoritatea, intr-o frumoasa calatorie ungureasca.

1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?

I am David. I am 23 years old, Agribusiness and Rural Development Engineering student at University of Debrecen.  I live in Debrecen, Hungary. My current occupation is the taking photos.

1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?

Sunt David, am 23 de ani, student la Universitatea din Debrecen, sectia Inginerie de Dezvoltare Rurala si Agribusiness. Locuiesc in Debrecen, Ungaria iar ocupatia mea curenta este sa fac fotografii.

Debrecen. Photo: David Halasz

2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?

I love this city, however if I should choose where I lived in Hungary, I would choose  Budapest or Pécs, because these are nicer cities than Debrecen.
First, I love in Debrecen that there are a big pedestrian street where we can sit to relax and we can see fountains. Furthermore, I love beautiful buildings here. Finally, there are a lot of amusement.
One of the worst thing, that ways on some place is very bad because of tram line construction.

 2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?

Iubesc orasul acesta, dar, daca ar fi fost sa aleg unde sa locuiesc in Ungaria, as fi ales Budapesta sau Pecs, doua orase mai dragute ca Debrecen. Primul lucru care-mi place in Debrecen este ca are multe strazi pietonale, unde poti sta sa te relaxezi, privind fantanile orasului. Apoi, imi plac cladirile. Si, nu in ultimul rand, sunt multe distractii in oras.

Unul dintre cele mai urate lucruri ale orasului o reprezinta constructiile legate de liniile de tramvai.

Debrecen. Photo: David Halasz

3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?

 The Great Church, because it is Debrecen’s the most typical building and it is the biggest reformed church in Hungary. There is on heart of Debrecen and there are fountains, park, restaurants and different stores around the Church.
 University of Debrecen, because it is a beautiful place and there is the ’Great Forest’ nature reserve beside university.
 Déri museum, because there are a lot of archeological objects, natural history collections and colliection of art.

3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?

– Marea Catedrala, fiindca este cea mai reprezentativa cladire a orasului si este cea mai mare biserica reformata din Ungaria. Se afla chiar in centrul orasului si in jurul ei sunt fantani, un parc, restaurante si diverse magazine.

– Universitatea – pentru ca este o cladire frumoasa, situata intr-un loc frumos, langa ea fiind si rezervatia Marea Padure.

– Muzeul Deri, pentru ca adaposteste o multime de obiecte arheologice, colectii de istorie naturala si colectii de arta.

Budapest. Photo: David Halasz

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?

I like Italian foods (pizza, lasagne, spaghetti), I like spicy foods and naturally I love Hungarian foods too.  I think the best Hungarian food is Bean Goulash and the best local drink is Unicum which is an herbal liqueur.

4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?

Imi place mancarea italiana (pizza, lasagne, spaghetti), imi plac mancarurile condimentate si, evident, gastronomia maghiara. Cred ca cel mai bun fel de mancare este gulasul de fasole iar ca bautura, Unicum – un lichior herbal.

Pecs. Photo: David Halasz

5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)

I do not really eat in restaurant in my city, but I usually go to Üvegtigris Pub with my friends. This place’s atmosphere is friendly and the prices is cheap and we can find easily this place.

5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?

Nu prea iau masa in restaurantele din orasul meu, dar de regula merg la pub-ul Üvegtigris, impreuna cu prietenii. IN acest loc atmosfera e prietenoasa, preturile mici si gasim foarte usor loc.

London. Photo: David Halasz

6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)

I like travelling. This year I was in Budapest and Pécs in Hungary. I have been to England in last summer and I was in a lot of placec there but London is a current favourite city.
I would like to visit Tokyo, because I think this can be a whole other world. I wonder their culture, people, Japanese gardens and technical development.

6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?

Imi place. Anul acesta am fost in Budapesta si in Pecs, aici, in Ungaria. Vara trecuta am fost in Anglia, am vizitat o multime de locuri acolo, dar Londra e deocamdata orasul meu favorit.

Mi-ar placea sa vizitez Tokyo, deoarece cred ca este o cu totul alta lume. As vrea sa iau contact cu oamenii si cultura de acolo, cu gradinile japoneze si progresul tehnologic.

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7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?

I do take a lot of pictures with cell phone, because it is always be ready at hand. I like Instagram, because I love to see others’ creatives/interesting pictures  and we can see different  photos of countries and when I see something I used to take a photo and share with instagramers and friends.

7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?

Fac o multime de fotografii cu telefonul mobil, deoarece imi este mereu la indemana. Imi place Instagram-ul pentru ca ador sa vad locuri si lucruri interesante, fotografii din tari diferite. Cand vad ceva interesant imi place sa fotografiez si sa impart cu instagrammeri de pretutindeni.

* Follow David on Instagram / Urmareste-l pe David pe Instagram: @davidhalasz.

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