Mindy Terry – New Dehli, India
Beautiful Mindy has the luck (which comes from her smartness) to earn her living working in fabulous places from all over the world. Mindy is a spa designer – she makes those wonderful places where we go when we have a little time for relaxing our mind and body. She lived one year and a half on thai Samui island and now she just moved in India. Without being a professional photographer, she managed to perfect her Instagram technique so her pics are little works of art. In the same time, Mindy speaks about Samui like a real touristic guide. That’s why, we’d love to have her as a tuktuk.ro contributor!
Frumoasa Mindy are norocul (izvorat din inteligenta) de a-si castiga existenta muncind in locuri superbe din intreaga lume. Mindy face spa-uri de lux, locurile acelea minunate in care mergem atunci cand gasim ragaz, pentru a ne relaxa trupul si mintea. A locuit vreme de un an si jumatate pe insula thailandeza Samui iar acum s-a mutat in India. Fara a fi o fotografa profesionista, a reusit sa-si perfectioneze atat de bine tehnica in Instagram, incat pozele sale sunt mici opere de arta. In acelasi timp, Mindy povesteste despre Samui ca un adevarat ghid turistic. Asa incat ne-am dori sa o avem colaboratoare la tuktuk.ro!

1.Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?
Primarily, I live out of my suitcase. I am an American spa and wellness consultant who travels the world helping luxury hotels, hospitals and independent owners develop new spas and/or improve operations and profitability of existing ones.
Aside from travel, spas and Instagram, I have many passions. Some include fashion, modeling, food, training in Muay Thai boxing, gardening, sailing, and any form of adventure. My greatest love is for my two sons, Will (11yrs) and Sam (9yrs). When summer comes I love, love, love to drag my boys around the world, opening their eyes to all of life’s possibilities!
I am currently living in New Delhi, India. I haven’t been here long, so I would love to share more about my last home with you, Koh Samui, Thailand.
1.Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?
In primul rand… locuiesc in afara valizei mele. Sunt nascuta in Smerica, sunt consultant spa & wellness si calatoresc in intreaga lume, ajutand hotelurile de lux, spitalele si proprietarii independenti sa construiasca noi spa-uri sau sa si le imbunatateasca pe cele pe care le detin deja.
Pe langa calatorie, spa-uri si Instagram, am multe alte pasiuni. Intre acestea pot include moda, modelingul, gastronomia, antrenamentele in stilul de box Muay Thai, gradinaritul, navigatia si orice alta forma de aventura. Ceamai mare dragoste a mea o reprezinta cei doi baieti, Will (11 ani) si Sam (9 ani). Cand vine vara, pur si simplu iubesc sa-mi iau baietii si sa-i plim prin intreaga lume, deschizandu-le ochii la posibilitatile care-i inconjoara.
Deocamdata locuiesc in New Dehli, India. Nu sunt aici de multa vreme, asa ca mai degraba as vrea sa impartasesc mai multe despre ultima mea casa, din Koh Samui, Thailanda.

2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?
I lived in Koh Samui for 18 months and loved every second of it! Samui is a small island off the coast of Southern Thailand in the province of Suratthani. It is a tropical paradise. Temperatures generally stay between 25°C and 32°C. Along with lovely beaches, the island boasts stunning emerald green palm forests and the most amazing sunsets you will ever find.
The attitude and attire of Samui is relaxed and casual. Flip flops, swimsuits, shorts and sundresses are as formal as it gets. However, you can always spot the Locals on a Saturday night in Chaweng Beach—Samui’s nightlife district. They tend to be a bit more dressed up than the tourists…simply for a change of pace.
There is always a party happening on Samui. Located only 20 minutes via speedboat from Koh Phangnan, an island that hosts the world’s largest Full Moon Party each month. This creates a festive environment. People are always happy, relaxed and having a good time.
The worst thing about Samui is that on average, there are 30 deaths a month. Because taxis can be expensive, a lot of tourists will opt for riding motorbikes. Due to lack of experience and nerves, there are many accidents. It is not uncommon to see people walking about bloodied and bandaged. The Locals refer to the wounds as “Samui tattoos”.
2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?
Am locuit in Koh Samui vreme de 18 luni, inainte de a ma muta in India, si am iubit fiecare secunda acolo. Samui e o mica insula langa coasta de sud a Thailandei, in provincia Suratthani. E un paradis tropical. Temperaturile se mentin de regula intre 25 si 32 grade. Pe langa plajele minunate, insula incanta cu incredibilele paduri de palmier de culoarea smaraldului dar si cu cele mai fantastice apusuri de soare pe care le poti vedea in lume.
Atitudinea generala in Samui este de relaxare. Papuci de plaja, costume de baie, pantaloni scurti si rochii de vara – cat de poate de formale. Dar, daca vrei, poti vedea localnici in Chaweng Beach – districtul cu cea mai intensa viata de noapte – ceva mai imbracati decat turistii. Si asta doar pentru a mai schimba ritmul.
Exista mereu o petrecere care se tine in Samui. Localizata la numai 20 de minute de mers cu barca cu motor de Koh Phangnan, insula gazduieste lunar cea mai mare petrecere a Lunii Pline. Acest lucru creeaza un mediu festiv. Oamenii sunt intotdeauna fericiti, relaxati si se simt bine.
Cel mai rau lucru care se poate spune despre Samui este ca, in medie, sunt 30 de morti pe luna. Deoarece taxiurile sunt relativ scumpe, multi turisti aleg sa inchirieze motoare. Din cauza lipsei de experienta si a nervilor, acestia provoaca multe accidente. E un lucru comun sa vezi oameni mergand pe strada bandajati sau plini de sange. Localnicii fac referire la aceste rani ca „tatuajele samuiene”.

3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?
It is difficult to pick only three places. It is a bit like asking a woman to pick her favorite pair of shoes…I love so many for different reasons. I’ll give it a try.
Numerous spa shops and beach huts dot the landscape with prices ranging from $8 USD to $20 USD an hour. At Tamarind Springs you will be out-of-pocket a lot more, but it is well worth it! Book the Forest Dream package and spend half the day in a lush tropical forest with huge granite boulders that create a secret escape. Float in natural pools, detoxify in herbal steam caves and rejuvenate tired skin with fresh local scrubs. Before ascending up into the trees to your open-air treatment sala for a 2.5 hour massage, you will enjoy refreshing food and beverage amongst the soothing sound of water falling while butterflies flit about and dappled sunlight warms your face. If you have never had it, I highly recommend the Traditional Thai Yoga Massage…but only for those that really like a good rubdown. If you prefer a lighter, more relaxed touch go for an Aromatherapy Oil Massage or Thai Herbal Poultice Massage.
Located between Chaweng and Lamai, the Jungle Club is situated on the top of a mountain with some of the best overhead views of Chaweng and the surrounding area. Jungle Club is a small boutique resort with a fantastic swimming pool and lounge. Large salas offer the perfect place to relax with a loved one or group of friends and take in the stunning mountain and seaside views. I like to go around 4:30pm for drinks and stay until after dark. The views are amazing and it’s nice to see how the island changes from dusk to night. You can also take your swimsuit and plan to spend the day. Be sure to bring your camera—this is one of Samui’s best views!
Whether you are an animal lover or not, Paradise Park Farm will absolutely delight you. Located in the rain forest on Samui’s highest mountain, the farm is home to Cola and Sprite the monkeys, as well as myriad species of colorful birds, bunnies, guinea pigs, squirrels, lizards, deer and many other animals. Enjoy playing with, feeding and petting the animals as they roam in this beautiful lush setting. The Park also boasts a fantastic pool with stunning views, along with a great restaurant and plenty of lounge space. Go for a few hours or plan to spend the whole day. This is a very special place that you will not want to miss! It is located in Ban Tailing Ngam, the ‘Virgin Coast’ side of the island which gives tourists a view of what Samui was like before all of the development. Other close-by noteworthy places to visit include Namuang Waterfall and Magic Alambic Rum Distillery.
3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?
E greu sa aleg macar trei locuri. E ca si cum ai intreba o femeie care sunt pantofii ei favoriti. Imi plac atat de multe… pentru atat de multe motive. Hai sa incerc:
Tamarind Springs Spa – multe magazine spa si cabane de plaja impanzesc peisajul, cu preturi de la 8 la 20 de dolari pe ora. La Tamarind Springs vei ramane probabil fara bani in buzunare, dar merita! Rezerva pachetul Forest Dream (Visul Padurii) si petrece jumatate de zi in mijlocul unei paduri tropicale, cu bolovani uriasi de granit, care creaza o iesire secreta. Inoata in piscine naturale, detoxifiaza-te in pesteri cu aburi cu esente si intinereste-ti pielea obosita cu lotiuni locale. Inainte de a te urca din nou in copaci pentru a face un tratament in aer liber constand intr-un masaj de doua ore si jumatate, te vei bucura savurand mancare proaspata si bauturi in decorul si sunetul apei de cascada si a fluturilor albi care te inconjoara. Asta in vreme ce soarele iti incalzeste fata. In caz ca nu l-ai facut niciodata, recomand masajul thailandez traditional Yoga… dar numai celor care suporta o frectie neaosa. Daca preferi o atingere mai light si mai relaxanta, alege un masaj cu uleiuri aromaterapeutic sau un masaj Thai Herbal Poultice.
Jungle Club – situat intre Chaweng si Lamai, Jungle Club e plasat pe varful unui munte, beneficiind de unele dintre cele mai frumoase peisaje ale zonei. Jungle Club e un mic complex de tip boutique, care dispune de o piscina fantastica si un lounge. Incaperile mari ofera locul perfect de relaxare impreuna cu iubitul/iubita sau cu prietenii, in timp ce privesti muntii din jur si marile din departare. Imi place sa merg in jurul orei 16.30, sa beau ceva si sa-mi petrec timpul acolo pana dupa caderea intunericului. Privelistile sunt fantastice si e un spectacol sa vezi cum se transforma insula in timpul serii. Dar iti poti lua costumul de baie si petrece intreaga zi aici. Adu-ti neaparat camera foto – vei avea parte de una dintre cele mai frumoase panorame din Samui.
Paradise Park Farm – Fie ca esti iubitor de animale sau nu, Paradise Park Farm te va incanta cu desavarsire. Localizata in padurile tropicale de pe cel mai inalt munte al insulei Samui, ferma este gazda maimutelor Cola si Sprite dar si a numeroase specii de pasari colorate, porcusori de guineea, soparle, caprioare si alte multe animale. Te vei bucura jucandu-te cu ele, hranindu-le si indragindu-le vazandu-le in mediul lor natural. Parcul dispune de asemenea de o piscina fantastica, de unde vei avea parte de privelisti uluitoare, dar si de un restaurant si de multe locuri de tip lounge. Poti merge doar pentru cateva ore sau iti poti petrece intreaga zi acolo. E un loc special pe care nu ai voie sa-l ratezi. E situat in Ban Tailing Ngam, pe „coasta virgina” a insulei, care ofera turistilor posibilitatea de a vedea cum arata Samui inainte de nivelul de dezvoltare de azi. Alte locuri din apropiere ce merita vizitate includ cascada Namuang si distileriile de rom Magic Alambic.

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?
Thai food is some of the best around. I’m sure you have heard of the famous Thai dishes Pad Thai (rice noodles with peanuts and shrimp), and Som Tum (spicy green papaya salad). Might I suggest you also try pomelo salad (Yum Som O). You can get it with shrimp or chicken. It is light, refreshing yet filling…the perfect food for a hot, island day. I also love fried morning glory (Pad Pak Boong), BBQ fish and BBQ sticky rice.
The best local drink is a fresh, young coconut. You can find them at mobile fruit stands all over the island. You can also get them at any grocer, market, restaurant or café. Coconut water is packed with electrolytes, hormones and lots of other vitamins and minerals that will do your body good.
4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?
Mancarea thailandeza e una dintre cele mai bune din lume. Sunt sigur ca ai auzit de celebrele feluri thailandeze Pad Thai (taitei de orez cu alune si creveti) si Som Tum (salata picanta de papaya verde). As sugera sa incerci salata de pomelo (Yum Som O). O poti asezona cu creveti sau pui. Este usoara, revigoranta si perfecta pentru o zi fierbinte pe insula. Mie imi mai place friend morning glory (Pad Pak Boong), peste la gratar si orez lipicios la gratar.
Cea mai buna bautura locala este laptele proaspat de nuca de cocos. Gasesti ncile de cocos la chioscurile mobile care vand fructe si care se afla peste tot de-a lungul insulei. Le poti lua si de la aprozar, din marketuri, restaurante si cafenele. Laptele de cocos este plin de electroliti, hormoni si multe alte vitamine si minerale extrem de sanatoase.

5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)
Samui is home to expats from all over the world. So in addition to fantastic Thai food, you will find great authentic global cuisine. Here are a few of my favorites:
Owned by a Parisian Artisan Baker, this is the perfect spot for breakfast. Enjoy fresh made buttery flaky croissants, to-die-for apricot Danish and fantastic cheese and butter baguettes. There are 2 locations on the island: Chaweng Noi and Lamai. I prefer the Lamai locale and here, you will likely run into the owner.
The Cliff has an amazing seaside view that makes for the perfect lunch spot. They also have the best bruschetta on the island which they often provide complimentary during lunch hours. A tasty cocktail menu and fabulous grilled offerings make this one of the islands most popular spots. Located in Chaweng Noi.
Not far from The Cliff sits Dr. Frogs, home of Samui’s best pizza. This fine Italian eatery has a Chicken Penne Pasta dish that I often dream about, as well as Gnocchi that is absolutely out of this world.
Rocky’s offers perhaps Samui’s best fine dining. While the restaurant has a sexy, romantic décor, I suggest calling ahead and booking a table on the rocks seaside. This is the perfect spot for any special occasion. Try the strawberries with balsamic vinegar and white chocolate for desert. You won’t be sorry!
On Ring Road, not far from Bangkok Hospital (on the opposite side) is what appears to be a little road-side shack with a red and white sign in Thai writing. Not many tourists happen upon this spot, but every local would agree it is the best Thai food around. If you go on the weekends, try to get there before 8:00pm and order the day’s fresh caught fish prepared BBQ style. If you get there too late, they typically run out. They also prepare the fish in a Chilean Lime Sauce cooked in a silver pot that is absolutely heavenly. Other must have side dishes include fried duck neck, BBQ sticky rice, garlic fried pork, green papaya salad, (if you don’t like too much spice, ask for 1 chili) and fried morning glory. You and a group of 3-4 friends will eat like kings for around $20 USD. Please note that most of the staff speaks very limited English as this place is made for Locals. Please be respectful of this, and not too demanding or disappointed if there are some communication challenges.
5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?
Samui este casa expatilor din intreaga lume. Aditional fantasticei bucatarii thailandeze, aici vei gasi preparate internationale autentice. Iata cateva dintre localurile mele favorite:
The French Cafe – aflat in proprietatea unui brutar artizan parizian, acesta e locul perfect pentru a lua micul dejun. Croasante proaspete, facute cu unt, daneze cu piersici, branzeturi fantastice si baghete din unt. Sunt doua locatii pe insula: Chaweng Noi si Lamai. Prefer localul din Lamai, aici avand mari sanse de a-l intalni si pe proprietar.
The Cliff Grill and Bar – o fascinanta priveliste asupra marii si iata locul perfect pentru a servi pranzul! Aici au cele mai bune bruschette de pe insula, pe care de regula ti le ofera in timpul pranzului. Un meniu gustos de cocktailuri si gratarele excelente fac din acest local unul dintre cele mai populare de pe insula. Se afla in Chaweng Noi.
Dr. Frogs – nu departe de The Cliffs se afla Dr. Froggs, unde intalnesti cea mai buna pizza din Samui. Acest local italienesc serveste paste penne cu pui de vis dar si gnocchi absolut geniale.
Rocky’s – probabil cea mai buna cina de pe Samui aici o vei lua. Retsurantul are un decor sexy si romantic iar eu sugerez sa faci o rezervare dinainte la o masa de pe stanci. Acesta e locul prfect pentru o ocazie speciala. La desert, incearca minunatele capsune cu otet balsamic si ciocolata alba. Nu-ti va parea rau!
Isan-Style (in Nord-Est) Thai Food – pe soseaua circulara, nu departe de spitalul Bangkok este ceea ce aparent arata ca o ghereta cu un semn alb si rosu si un scris in thailandeza. Nu multi turisti cunosc acest loc, dar orice localnic va fi de acord ca aici se serveste cea mai buna mancare thailandeza din zona. Daca mergi in weekenduri, incearca sa ajungi inainte de ora 20.00 si sa comanzi peste proaspat, preparat pe gratar. Daca vei ajunge prea tarziu, de regula nu vei mai gasi peste. De asemenea, aici se prepara peste in sos chilian de lime, gatit in castroane de argint. Ansolut de vis. Alte feluri pe care ar trebui sa le comanzi sunt gat de rata prajita, orez lipicios facut pe gratar, porc prajit cu usturoi, salata de papaya verde (daca nu-ti place picanta, cere sa aiba doar un chili). Tu, impreuna cu alti 3-4 prieteni, veti manca aici regeste pentru numai 20 de dolari. Retine insa ca majoritatea celor care servesc vorbesc o engleza limitata, deoarace acest restaurant este pentru localnici. Trebuie sa pastrezi respectul vizavi de acest fapt si sa nu ceri prea multe sau sa fii dezamagit inprivinta serviciului si a problemelor de comunicare.

6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)
I love to travel and have been so fortunate to be able to do so while making a living. I’ve been all over Italy and Sicily and this remains one of my favorite countries. I also love Thailand equally, as it cannot be compared to Italy. Kaoh Sok National Park is Asia’s oldest rainforest in Thailand and should be explored by everyone. I recently discovered a new love, Luang Prabang, Laos. I spent 5 days there, but it was not nearly enough. I will definitely make a return visit!
At the top of my travel list is South Africa. For years I have been wanting to go on safari with my boys, but have decided to wait until they get a bit older. I have also heard from many that Cape Town is one of the Earth’s most beautiful places. After living in Samui, I made some great friends in South Africa so now I have even more reasons to visit.
6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?
Imi place sa calatoresc si am fost foarte norocoasa sa fac din asta un mod de viata. Am fost in toata Italia iar Sicilia ramane unul dintre locurile mele favorite. Iubesc in egala masaura Thailanda, chiar daca nu poate fi comparata cu Italia. Kaoh Sok National Park este cea mai veche padure tropicala a Thailandei si ar trebui explorat de catre toata lumea. Recent am descoperit o noua iubire: Luang Praband, din laos. Am petrecut cinci zile acolo dar nu a fost suficient. Cu siguranta ma voi intoarce.
In topul listei de calatorii pe care vreau sa le fac se afla Africa de Sud. De ani de zile am vrut sa merg in safari cu baietii mei dar am decis sa mergem cand vor fi un pic mai mari. Am auzit de la multi ca orasul cape Town este unul dinte cele mai frumoase locuri din lume. Dupa ce am trait in Samui, mi-am facut multi prieteni sud-africani, asa ca acum am si mai multe motive sa ajung acolo.

7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?
I’ve always had an interest in photography, but it has only recently become a passion. This can be attributed to Instagram. When I first started on Instagram, I did so as a way to share pictures of my boy’s summer adventures in Thailand with friends and family back in the States.
After my boys went back to the states, I had to renew my visa to stay in Thailand. Luang Prabang was the spot I chose to do this. I was on my own so I had quite a bit of time to explore and take pictures. I began to play with the Instagram filters and discovered the versatility and art of Instagram. I’m not a professional photographer, but with my iPhone and Instagram technology, it looks like I know what I am doing.
While I have been all over the world, Instagram continues to introduce me to beautiful places I have never heard of. My travel list grows each day. I also love to see the talent of so many amazing photographers. I learn from viewing their work and style and then experimenting with my own pictures when I have the time. There is also a great social aspect to Instagram that one learns in time. For me, it is my favorite social network because it is so visual. After all, a picture can say 1,000 words!
7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?
M-a interesat dintotdeauna fotografia dar abia recent a devenit o pasiune. Si as atribui acest lucru Instagramului. Am inceput sa folosesc Instagramul ca modalitate de a arata prietenilor baiatului meu dar si familiei, fotografii realizate in timpul aventurilor thailandeze. Cand baietii s-au intors in State, a trebuit sa-mi reinnoiesc viza de Thailanda. Locul pe care –am ales sa fac asta a fost Luang Prabang. Eram singura si am avut timp sa explorez zona si sa fac fotografii. Am inceput sa ma joc cu Instagramul si filtrele lui si am descoperit versatilitatea si arta acestei aplicatii. Nu sunt un fotograf profesionist dar iPhone-ul si Instagramul imi arata ca stiu ce am de facut.
Instagramul continua sa ma introduca in locuri frumoase de care nu auzisem. Lista mea cu locuri in care as vrea sa ajung creste in fiecare zi. Imi place sa descopar talentul atator fotografi de exceptie. Invat privindu-le munca si stilul si imi place apoi sa experimentez ceea ce vad cu propriile mele fotografii, atunci cand timpul imi permite. Instagramul are un mare impact social. Pentru mine este reteaua de socializare favorita, fiindca e atat de vizuala. La urma-urmei, o fotografie face cat 1000 de cuvinte!
* Follow Mindy on Instagram / Urmareste-o pe Mindy pe Instagram: www.instagram.com/MindyTerry
* Follow Mindy on Twitter / Urmareste-o pe Mindy pe Twitter: @MissSpaSmart
* Follow Mindy’s website / Urmareste site-ul lui Mindy: www.CreativeSpaConcepts.com
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