Federico Sardi – Montevideo, Uruguay
Federico is that kind of guy who can go on the highest mountain for taking a super picture. And that comes from the passion inside of him. And the passion comes from the fact that Federico is a true artist. Musician for the job, photographer for the… personal job. All of his pics tell a story and even if he chose to send us black and white pictures (he runs a blog in b/w), check his Instagram account and you will find a world full of colours. Viva Uruguay!
Federico e genul de tip care poate merge pe cel mai inalt munte pentru a face o superfotografie. Aceasta vine din pasiunea launtrica. Iar pasiunea vine din faptul ca Federico e un artist adevarat. O slujba de muzician si o slujba… personala de fotograf. Toate pozele lui spun o poveste si chiar daca a ales sa ne trimita fotografii alb-negru pentru acest articol (el are si un blog a/n), verifica-i contul de Instagram si vei descoperi o lume plina de culoare. Viva Uruguay!
1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?
My name is Federico Sardi, I’m 22 years old and live in Montevideo, Uruguay. I’m bassoonist of the Montevideo Philharmonic and OSSODRE orchestras. Photography/iPhoneography is one of my biggest passions. I started taking pictures mainly for documenting my travels when studying abroad and capturing the essence of my city’s life while living and working in Uruguay.
1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?
Ma numesc Federico Sardi, am 22 de ani si locuiesc in Montevideo, Uruguay. Cant la fagot in Filarmonica din Montevideo si in orchestrele OSSODRE. Fotografia si iphone-ografia sunt marile mele pasiuni. Am inceput sa fac fotografii in timp ce calatoream, cand am studiat in strainatate iar acum captez esenta din viata orasului meu in timp ce traiesc si muncesc in Uruguay.

2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?
Besides being a negative person I have to admit that my country is very beautiful. It’s a relatively quiet place to live (we’re only 1.500.000 on the capital and approximately 3 million people in the whole country), with ‘friendly’ weather all year. Uruguay being a small quiet place could be one of its worst things too, at least from my point of view. If I were here as a tourist I’d have almost no complains, but the world I live into (music and art) is a little bit too small.
2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?
Desi sunt o persoana negativista, trebuie sa admit ca tara mea e foarte frumoasa. E un loc relativ linistit in care sa traiesti (suntem doar 1,5 milioane in capitala si aproximativ 3 milioane in intreaga tara) si avem parte de o vreme prietenoasa tot timpul anului. Faptul ca Uruguay e o tara mica are insa si dezavantaje, cel putin din punctul meu de vedere. Daca as fi aici ca turist nu as avea, probabil, de ce sa ma plnag insa lumea in care de fapt traiesc eu (muzica si arta) e cam mica.

3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?
In Montevideo one of the most beautiful places is the promenade by the Río de la Plata, where you’ll see people walking drinking mate, cycling or just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful sunsets over the water. The old part of the city is also an interesting place for tourists, it has beautifully preserved buildings, handcrafts and antique fairs, little restaurants and cafés. Then, outside Montevideo every tourist should get to know our coast, from west to east there are beautiful summer spas, from rustic (and intentionally wild) places with no electricity like Cabo Polonio to luxury summer spas like Punta del Este where many international stars choose to spend their summer.
I’ve put up a list of must-see places of Montevideo on foursquare and they selected it as one of the winners of their 4sq cities contest.
Here’s the link to that list: https://foursquare.com/4sqcities/list/montevideo-city-badge–mate%C3%ADna
3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?
In Montevideo, unul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri este promenada de pe Rio de la Plata, acolo unde poti vedea oameni care se relaxeaza band mate, mergand pe biciclete sau privind pur si simplu superbul apus de soare. Orasul vechi este, de asemenea, un alt loc interesant pentru turisti – are cladiri bine conservate, targuri de antichitati si mestesuguri, restaurante mici si cafenele. Apoi, in afara de Montevideo, orice turist ar trebui sa viziteze coasta, de la est la vest – va gasi statiuni de vara extrem de frumoase, locuri superbe, de la cele rustice (intentionat salbatice), fara electricitate, precum Cabo Polonio pana la statiuni luxoase, precum Punta del Este, unde multe staruri internationale aleg sa-si petreaca vacantele.
Am pus o lista cu locurile ce trebuie vazute in Montevideo pe foursquare si oamenii au selectat orasul ca fiind unul dintre castigatorii celui de-al patrulea concurs urban. Iata aici link-ul cu lista: https://foursquare.com/4sqcities/list/montevideo-city-badge–mate%C3%ADna

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?
I love to eat Chivitos (here you can see a short video about Chivitos by the chef Anthony Bourdain: http://youtu.be/Pk_-198EuSg), our unique kind of sandwich.
Uruguay is famous for its red meat, if you’re here, you can’t leave without trying Asado (http://youtu.be/muAFU5KL5is).
Of the local drinks I just love Uvita, a unique grape liquor made only on Baar Fun Fun. Also there are excellent flavored grappas and cañas (drinks distilled from sugar cane) on Bar Los Yuyos, another Montevideo’s classic bar.
4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?
Imi place sa mananc Chivitos (aici puteti vedea un scurt video despre chivitos realizat de Anthony Bourdain: http://youtu.be/Pk_-198EuSg ), sandvisul nostru unic. Uruguay este o tara faimoasa pentru carnea rosie. Daca te afli aici nu ar trebui sa pleci fara sa incerci carnea Asado (http://youtu.be/muAFU5KL5is).
In privinta bauturilor locale, eu beau Uvita, un lichior de struguri care se face numai la Baar Fun Fun. Dar avem si excelente grappas si canas (bautura distilata din zahar cane) – in Bar Los Yuyos, o alta locatie clasica din Montevideo.

5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)
To eat Asado, Mercado del Puerto is definitely the place to go. Then there is Bar Tasende, an old bar that serves its unique Pizza al Tacho, a kind of pizza with no tomato sauce and an exquisite blend of cheese. Fainá is also a classic ‘dish’ that can be tasted on many old bars around the city like Bar Sporting. All the places mentioned are included on the foursquare list linked above.
5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?
Pentru a manca asado, e musai sa mergi la Mercado del Puerto. Apoi, in Bar Tasende, un local vechi, poti manca Pizza al Tacho, un fel de pizza fara sos de rosii dar cu multa branza speciala. Faina e un alt fel de mancare clasic, ce poate fi testat in multe baruri vechi din oras, precum Bar Sporting. Toate aceste locuri sunt mentionate in lista de pe foursquare de mai sus.

6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)
I love to travel! A country I go often (to make music) is Brazil. It’s an absolutely beautiful and diverse country, with breath taking landscapes and the kindest and happiest people I’ve ever met. Another place that I visited and I’d love to go back again soon is the Sonora Desert on Arizona. Visiting the Grand Canyon was a life changing experience.
6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?
Iubesc sa calatoresc! Una din tarile in care merg adesea (pentru muzica) este Brazilia. Este o tara minunata si diversa, cu peisaje care-ti taie rasuflarea si cu cei mai buni si fericiti oameni pe care i-am intalnit. Un alt loc pe care l-am vizitat si in care mi-ar face placere sa ma intorc este desertul Sonora, din Arizona. Vizitarea Marelui Canion a fost o experienta de viata coplesitoare.

7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?
My passion for photography grew immensely after I started traveling for work.
After coming back home from one trip (I use to travel at least once every six months) I felt a little depressed of being back and having to spend day after day on the same routine. So I decided to change the way I looked to things and I started walking around town looking at everything with tourist eyes. That made me feel a lot better, and luckily I didn’t stop there…I started taking pictures of places and people just as if I were a tourist, and then sharing those pictures to my friends abroad. Time passed and it became a huge passion. I’ve started to get involved on the iPhoneography world, been beta tester for a few iPhoneography apps, started a black & white iPhoneography blog and almost all the time I’m not working with music, I’m working on my photography and iPhoneography. I’m also the manager of Instagramers Uruguay (group of users of Instagram on Uruguay).
Instagram it’s a great platform for sharing pictures. I got to know excellent photographers (both professional and amateur) from the most remote parts of the world, and got to share my images with them too. Instagram opened a new chapter in the history of photography, because it gives everyone the power to share beautiful images with the world on just a few taps. And that it’s absolutely amazing.
7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?
Pasiunea mea pentru fotografie a crescut deindata ce am inceput sa calatoresc in interes de serviciu. Cand m-am intors dintr-o calatorie (calatoresc cel putin o data la sase luni) m-am simtit un pic depresat pentru ca m-am intors si pentru ca eram nevoit sa-mi petrec ziua in aceeasi rutina. Asa ca am decis sa schimb felul in care privesc lucrurile si am inceput sa ma plimb prin oras privind totul cu ochiul unui turist. Asta m-a facut sa ma simt ceva mai bine si, din fericire, nu m-am oprit aici. Am inceput sa fac fotografii ale locurilor si oamenilor exact ca si cum as fi fost un turist, apoi am inceput sa le arat prietenilor mei din strainatate. A trecut timpul si asta s-a transformat intr-o mare pasiune. Am inceput sa ma implic in lumea fotografiilor facute cu iphone-ul, am fost beta-tester pentru o serie de aplicatii foto de iphone, am deschis un blog de iPhone-ografie in alb si negru si aproape tot timpul pe care nu mi-l ocup cu muzica il ocup cu fotografia si iPhone-ografia. Sunt, de asemenea, manager al grupului instagrammerilor din Uruguay.
Instagram e o platforma excelenta pentru sharing-ul foto. Am ajuns sa cunosc fotografi de clasa (profesionisti si amatori) din multe parti ale lumii si am share-uit imagini impreuna cu ei. Instagram a deschis o noua epoca in istoria fotografiei, fiindca acum oricine are puterea de a face si a arata lumii imagini frumoase doar cu cateva miscari de degete. Iar asta e un lucru absolut uluitor.

* Follow Federico on Instagram / Urmareste-l pe Federico pe Instagram: http://instagram.com/
si http://instagram.com/
* Other places where you can meet Federico / Alte locuri in care il poti intalni pe Federico:
@federicosardi on EyeEM
@sardifederico on Starmatic
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