
InstaTuk: Malvika Iyer (India)

Malvika Iyer – Chennai, India

malvikaMalvika has an incredible life story – you can read about it following the links on her website, below. The power she had, after that long time ago incident, transformed the beauty Indian young lady from Chennai in a person that enjoys the maximum of everything surrounds her. And who often catches the colour and the pasion through the “eye” of a good friend: the Instagram.

Malvika are o poveste de viata incredibila – o poti citi in link-urile de pe site-ul ei, de mai jos. Puterea cu care a reusit sa treaca peste evenimentul neplacut de acum multi ani a transformat-o pe frumoasa indianca din Chennai, intr-o persoana care se bucura la maxim de tot ceea ce o inconjoara. Si care deseori surprinde culoarea si pasiunea prin intermediul unui prieten bun: Instagram-ul.

1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?

I am vivacious and imaginative. My life revolves around mysteries and poetic romance. I am pursuing a doctorate degree in Social Work in Chennai, India. I am fun loving and love to travel. I am passionate about poetry, perfumes, romance and music.

1.Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?

Sunt vivace si inovativa. Viata mea se invarte in jurul misterelor si romantismului poetic. Urmez un doctorat in Lucru Social, in Chennai, India. Sunt simpatica si imi place sa calatoresc. Sunt pasionata de poezie, parfumuri, romantism si muzica.


2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?

I love my city. It has a rich culture and tradition. It has everything one needs. Beaches, night life, temples, varied shopping malls etc. I don’t like the climate though.

2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?

Imi iubesc orasul. Are o cultura bogata si, totodata, traditie. Are tot ceea ce ar trebui sa aiba. Plaje, viata de noapte, temple, shopping mal-uri etc. Ce nu-mi place este climatul.

Photo: Malvika Iyer

3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?

a) Mahabalipuram- The beauty of the place is not only due to its architecture (rock-cut and monolithic) but the vast casuarinas trees, the silvery sandy beach, the classical hand made crafts around have made them all to form what is a collective splendor.

b) Dakshinachitra- Cross cultural living museum of art, architecture, lifestyles, crafts and performing arts of South India.

c) Mylapore for its rich culture.

3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?

a) Mahabalipuram – frumusetea locului nu se refera doar la arhitectura (sculptura in stanca si monolit) dar si la multimea de copaci casuarinas, plajele argintii, obiectele de artizanat clasic…

b) Dakshinachitra – muzeul de arta intercultural, arhitectura, lifestyle, artizanat si spectacole artistice din sudul Indiei.

c) Mylapore, pentru cultura bogata a locului.

Photo: Malvika Iyer

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?

Idli, Dosa, Sambhar and Pongal is the staple food of Chennai. South Indian meals which include a variety of side dishes and rice items is also enjoyed by most people. Filter coffee is the most famous local drink. My favourite dish is Barota Kurma with tomato chutney and onion pachidi.

4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?

Idli, Dosa si Sambhar este mancarea locala din Chennai. Sunt preparate din sudul Indiei, care includ o varietate de feluri si orezuri, pe placul majoritatii oamenilor. Cafeaua la filtru este cea mai populara bautura locala. Felul meu preferat este Barota Kurma, cu chutney de rosii si ceapa pachidi.

Photo: Malvika Iyer

5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)

Hotel Sarvana Bhavan for vegetarian food. Anjappar (Chettinad) for non vegetarian items.

5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?

Hotelul Sarvana Bhavan, pentru mancarea vegetariana. Anjappar (Chettinad) pentru non-vegetarieni.

Photo: Malvika Iyer

6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)

I love travelling. My most favourite place is Goa, India. It is breathtaking. I would love to visit Europe. It is my dream place.

6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?

Imi place sa calatoresc. Locul meu preferat este insula Goa, din India. Iti taie rasuflarea. Mi-ar placea sa vizitez Europa. Este un loc de vis.

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7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?

I love taking pictures. Instagram is a great platform to know about places, food and people from around the world. The pictures are vibrant. One gets to see a varied collection of pictures from several places with different perspectives. I love the application.

7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?

Imi place, iar Instagram este o platforma perfecta pentru a cunoaste locuri, feluri de mancare si oameni din intreaga lume. Fotografiile sunt vibrante. Ajungi sa vezi colectii diferite de fotografii ale diverselor locuri, din perspective diferite. Iubesc aplicatia asta.

* Follow Malvika on Instagram / Urmareste-o pe Malvika pe Instagram:
* Follow Malvika on Twitter / Urmareste-o pe Malvika pe Twitter: @VioletCrab
* Follow Malvika’s website / Urmareste site-ul Malvikai:

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