Les Garcons aux Foulards – Paris, France
A. is a Parisian born, who loves to speak in hot terms about his classical classy home city. It’s very probably that he could speak hours after hours about it, and we will never get bored, because Paris has so many things to offer and to be tasted. A’s pictures catch the exhibited happyness of French’s capital from the point of view of a person who knows to properly appreciate a masterpiece, even architectonic or gastronomic.
A. este un parizian pur-sange, caruia ii place sa vorbeasca in termeni largi si fierbinti despre clasicul sau oras de clasa. Probabil ca ar putea vorbi ore-n sir despre el si nu ne-am satura, fiindca Parisul are atat de multe de oferit si gustat. Fotografiile lui A. surprind fericirea exhibata a capitalei Frantei din perspectiva unei persoane care apreciaza cum se cuvine o opera de arta, fie ca aceasta este arhitectonica sau gastronomica.
1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?
Young Parisian, i’m living in the french capital since more than 20 years. Free lance in a lot of different activities around the Fashion Industry, i decided two years ago to launch a personnal and slightly different blog – Les Garçons aux Foulards – about this subject who is in the center of my life and about differents topics like Art, Exhibitions, Designers Interviews… Different, the blog is because, it’s one of the rare blog who proposes an unconventional vision of the Fashion World, daring to criticises sometimes the Fashion Shows, the advertising campains, the designers which unfortunately not always creates stuning collections. So for this reason we decides to hide our identity behind the Character of the « Boys with Scarfs ».
1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?
Tanar parizian, traiesc in capitala Frantei de mai bine de 20 de ani. Freelancer in mai multe zone care se invart in jurul industriei modei, am decis acum doi ani sa lansez un blog personal si diferit de altele – Les Garcons aux Foulards, despre acest subiect care se afla mereu in centrul vietii mele dar si despre alte subiecte precum arta, expozitiile, interviurile cu designeri… Blogul e diferit fiindca e unul dintre rarele pagini care propun o viziune neconventionala asupra lumii modei, indraznind sa critice, uneori, show-urile de fashion, campaniile de advertising, designerii care, din nefericire, nu creeaza cele mai bune colectii. Din acest motiv am decis sa ne ascundem adevarata identitate in spatele numelui si personajelor „Baietii cu esarfe”.

2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?
How would be possible to don’t love Paris ? Art, Architecture, Romantic walk, so much clichés symbolising this city through the movies, the litterature, the personnal experiences of the travellers who discovers every day the city, and which are true in one way. The feelings that you have are passed in a kind of magic filter changing your perception of the reality. Simple coffee time to the « Zinc » of a bar, or looking the Seine flowing on one of the bridges, even the rain can be romantic in Paris !
Unfortunately, all this positive things have also their opposite, and What can be more difficult is to succed to develop a real Relationship with the Parisians – everybody is always running and we are not known to be the most smiling people in the world…
2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?
Cum ar fi posibil sa nu iubesti Parisul? Arta, arhitectura, plimbari romantice, atat de multe clisee intra in simbolistica acestui oras prin intermediul filmelor, a literaturii, a experientelor personale ale turistilor care descopera in fiecare zi orasul si care sunt adevarate in felul lor. Sentimentele pe care le ai sunt trecute printr-un fel de filtru magic care schimba perceptia realitatii. Simpla gustare a cafele intr-un bar, admirarea raului Sena de pe un pod sau chiar ploaia – toate acestea pot fi romantice in Paris.
Din nefericire, acestor lucruri pozitive li se adauga si altele, mai putin bune. Ceea ce e foarte greu sa dezvolti este o relatie reala cu parizienii – toata lumea e intr-o alergare continua iar parizienii nu-s cunoscuti ca fiind cei mai zambareti oameni din lume…

3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?
For sure, the two first are quiet clichés, but impossible to pass them for a first time. First of all, direction the center of Paris, to see the Louvre muséum and the amazing glass pyramid of the architect Yeo Ming Pei, the contrast between the Past and the Present is particulary interesting and you have a great sight on the Eiffel Tower, the Tuileries garden and far away the Office Quarter of La Défense who draws a line between the Ancient city and the Modern city. If you are Lucky, the sun will be reflected in the glass of the pyramid and the fountains work – timeless feeling !
Direction in the evening when the sun went down to the Trocadero. Between the Ethnographic muséum and the Architecture museum, it’s a terrace with the most incredible view on the Eiffel Tower. During the day it’s charming, but in the evening it’s a real show. All the hours ( 8P.M, 9P.M, 10P.M,…) the Eiffel Tower is sparkling with thousands of electric lights during 10 minutes, everybody clapping their hands – stunning !
Finally, little bit less known by the people, the second Island in the center of Paris called Saint Louis offers a charming view of Paris. Walking around on the Quais or in the small streets of the Island, you will feel a typicall feeling of Paris with the small shops, the cosy restaurants and of course impossible to don’t eat a Berthillon Ice Cream who is a real institution in Paris, looking the back of Notre Dame or listening some people playing music in the streets around – charming.
3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?
Cu siguranta, primele doua sunt de-a dreptul cliseiste, dar e imposibil sa treci peste ele daca ajungi prima oara in Paris. Mai intai – directia centrul Parisului, pentru a vedea Muzeul Luvru si fantastica piramida de sticla a arhitectului Yeo Ming Pei. Contrastul dintre trecut si prezent e in mod particular interesant si vei avea, totodata, o priveliste superba catre Tour Eiffel, gradinile Tuileries si, mai departe, catre cartierul La Defence care traseaza o linie imaginara intre vechiul oras si cel modern. Daca ai noroc, soarele se va reflecta in sticla piramidei si, totodata, fantanile vor functiona.
Seara, cand soarele cade peste Trocadero, intre Muzeul de Etnografie si cel de Arhitectura este o terasa de pe care poti avea cele mai fantastice privelisti ale turnului Eiffel. Pe timpul zilei sunt frumoase dar seara ai parte de un spectacol real (de la 8 p.m. in sus) – Tour Eiffel imprastie mii de lumini electrice vreme de 10 minute, toata lumea bate din palme… e uluitor.
In fine, ceva mai putin cunoscut turistilor, cealalta insula din centrul Parisului, denumita Saint Louis, ofera incantatoare privelisti ale orasului. Daca te plimbi pe cheiurile din jur sau pe stradutele acestei insule vei simti atmosfera tipic pariziana, cu magazine mici, restaurante si, evident, iti va fi imposibil sa refuzi o inghetata Berthillion – adevarata institutie a Parisului. De asemenea, sa privesti catre Notre Dame sau sa asculti oamenii care canta pe strazi – de neuitat.

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?
Paris is for sure one the world capital of food – refined dishes, more simple and traditional, or fusion, you can find something for all the tastes. For my part, except the japanese salmon maki who could easily become the base of my nutrition, i’m fond about meet and delicatessen. I know, not really healthy, but God, so tasty ! So generaly, when i’m going out with some friends, i alternate between a double bacon cheese burger (the real home made !) with some crunchy french fries, or something typically french – the cheese plate or a mix with some delicatessen, and when you know that in France you have more varieties of cheese than days in one year, the choice is quiet illimited ! To marry with all this flavors, what else than a bottle of red wine – Saint Emilion – the best. Finally impossible to overlook the Foie Gras ! A few peppercorns, some fig jam, fresh bread, a glass of red wine and i can be the happiest man in the world !
4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?
Cu siguranta, Parisul e una dintre capitalele gastronomice ale lumii – preparate rafinate, simple sau traditionale sau fusion – gasesti ceva pentru orice gust. Din punctul meu de vedere, in afara de maki de somon japonez, care ar putea lejer deveni baza nutritiei mele, ma dau in vant dupa carne si delicatese. Stiu, nu e tocmai sanatos dar sunt atat de gustoase! De regula, cand ies cu prietenii, alternez intre un dublu cheeseburger cu bacon, home made, cu cartofi prajiti frantuzesti si ceva realmente frantuzesc: un platou cu branzeturi, mixat cu delicatese. Se stie ca in Franta ai mai multe feluri de branza decat zilele dintr-un an, asa ca oferta e nelimitata. Si ce s-ar putea asorta mai bine la aceste arome decat o sticla de vin rosu – Saint Emilion – cea mai buna. In fine,e imposibil sa trecem peste foie gras. Cateva boabe de piper, niste gen de smochine, branza proaspata, un pahar de vin rosu si sunt cel mai fericit om din lume.

5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)
Paris proposes some of the nicest restaurants in the world, and all of them with their own specificities, and is not necessary to go in the restaurants with One, Two or Three Stars in the Michelin guide, you can find a nice place to eat on all the corners.
For a Young and Trendy atmosphere, the Marais (3th and 4th district), in the center of Paris is the place to be of the people working in the Fashion industry. One of the nevralgic point is the Café Charlot in the Rue de Bretagne, french « neo-brasserie » with vintage furnitures – essential. Very close, in the Rue du Petit-Thouars, two lovely places – the Café Crème for the cool and relaxed atmosphere and the Café Soprano for his italian food and the wonderfull terrace during the summer. A few blocks away, on the wonderful Place des Vosges built in the 17th century, just under the columns – the Café Hugo (a tribute to the writter Victor Hugo who lived on the place) subdued lighting, very good traditionnal food and affordable prices !
Always Rue de Bretagne, per haps one of the most surprising place in the city, the Marché des Enfants Rouge. Most ancien market of the city, its actuall particularity is to have the possibility to eat in all kind of food – italian, lebanese, marocan, organic, japanese… and all of them are fresh baked and delicious ! True journey through time and space you don’t have the feeling to be in the center of Paris – a place to discover imperatively !
Slightly more glamourous and little bit more expensive, two other places could be amazing experiences. On the roof of the Modern Art museum – Centre Georges Pompidou – Georges, the restaurant designed by Philippe Starck is one of the trendiest place in Paris. Amazing sight on the roofs of Paris lightened, modern design, live dj and fusion food, i suggest you the « Le tigre qui pleure », raw beef with an asian sauce – explosion of flavors.
Come back to the Louvre to dinner or just to take a drink on the terrace of the Marly. Situated Under the columns of the Louvre, this very elegant place will offer you per haps one of the most beautifull view of Paris in the one of the most charming ambiance in town.
Finally for all the lovers of sweatness, the tearoom LaDuree for the Macarons and the fresh pastries – unmissable.
5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?
Parisul propune cateva dintre cele mai bune restaurante din lume, fiecare cu specificul sau. Si nu e neaparata nevoie sa mergi in restaurante cu una, doua sau trei stele Michelin: gasesti un local excelent unde poti servi masa, la fiecare colt.
Pentru o atmosfera tinereasca si trendy, alege Marais – in centrul orasului, este locul in care se intalnesc cei din industria modei. Unul dintre cele mai fierbinti locuri este Cafe Charlot, din Rue de Bretagne, o neo-braserie frantuzeasca, decorata cu mobila vintage. Foarte aproape, in Rue du Petit Thouars, se afla doua locuri incantatoare: Cafe Creme, cu atmosfera cool si relaxata si Cafe Soprano, de vizitat pentru mancarea italieneasca si super terasa deschisa pe timp de vara. Cateva cartiere mai incolo, in Place des Vosges, construit in secolul 17, chiar sub coloane, se afla Cafe Hugo (tribut adus scriitorului Victor Hugo, care a trait in acest loc) – mancare traditioala foarte buna la preturi rezonabile.
Pe Rue de Bretagne se afla unul dintre cele mai surprinzatoare locuri din oras: Marché des Enfants Rouge. Este cea mai veche piata din oras iar particularitatea ei este ca aici poti manca orice specialitate internationala – italiana, libaneza, marocana, japoneza, organica… toate sunt proaspete si delicioase. Adevarata calatorii prin timp si spatiu, nu vei avea senzatia ca te afli in centrul Parisului – un loc care ar trebui descoperit neaparat!
Usor mai glamuroase si ceva mai scumpe, alte doua locuri pot oferi experiente extraordinare. Pe acoperisul Muzeului de Arta Moderna – Centrul Georges Pompidou – se afla Georges, restaurantul al carui design a fost creat de Philippe Starck si care este unul dintre cele mai trendy locuri ale orasului. Privelisti fantastice ale Parisului iluminat, design modern, live dj si mancare fusion. Va sugerez sa comandati „Tigrul care plange”, carne cruda cu sos asiatic – o explozie de arome.
Intoarce-te la Luvru pentru cina sau doar pentru a bea ceva pe terasa de la Marly. Situat sub coloanele de la Luvru, acest loc foarte elegant iti va oferi probabil una dintre cele mai frumoase imagini ale Parisului intr-uan dintre cele mai incantatoare ambiante din oras.
In fine, pentru amatorii de dulciuri, ceainaria LaDuree – pentru macarons si foietaje.

6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)
Of course i like to travel, to discover new places and new cultures and unfortunately i don’t have enough time to do it more. In my Memory, cities that i have touched most by their architecture, their atmosphere, their beauty are in the mediterranean area. Firenze in Italy for the Art of the Renaissance and the Quality of the Food. Barcelona in Spain for partying, for the fusion tapas and the mixity of the population coming from all over the world. And Lisboa in Portugal which was the discovery of this summer and who offers so much things to see and to enjoy.
Actually i would like to have the chance to visit Roma in Italy, and New-York. Two different worlds, two cultures, two stories and two way of lifes completely opposite. Would like to be stunned by the energy and the highness of New-York and be lulled by the poetry and the beauty of the multi-millennial italian capital.
Slightly far away, i’m dreaming about south Asia and Australia. I hope one day.
6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?
Sigur ca-mi place sa calatoresc, sa descopar locuri noi si noi culturi dar din pacate nu am suficient timp pentru a o face mai mult. Orasele care mi-au ramas in memorie din punct de vedere al arhitecturii, atmosferei, frumusetii – sunt cele din zonele mediteraneene. Florenta, in Italia, pentru arta Renasterii si pentru calitatea mancarii. Barcelona, in Spania, pentru petreceri, pentru fusionul de tapas si pentru mix-ul de oameni din toate colturile lumii. Si Lisabona, in Portugalia, oras pe care l-am descoperit asta vara si care ofera atat de multe lucruri de vazut si savurat.
As vrea sa am sansa sa vizitez Roma si New York. Doua lumi si culturi diferite, doua povesti si doua stiluri de viata opuse. As vrea sa fiu uluit de energia si inaltimile New York-ului dar si de poezia si frumusetea stravechii capitale italiene.
Cu gandul departe, visez sa calatoresc in Asia de sud si in Australia.

7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?
My mother was a photographer so i was born with the idea and the esthetism of the photography in the center of my life. I really love to take pictures and the iphone made a real change in my way to take them. Small, easy going, always in the Pocket, you can take all the things that you see during your day, modify them with Photoshop or delete them if your not convinced by the result.
I’m on Instagram since this summer and i have to confess i’m more and more fond of it! I guess it’s something so magic to discover each morning or each evening pictures taken all over the world ! Beaches from Brazil or Australia, churches from Spain or Italy, Landscapes from USA or Russia, Architectural details from Tokyo or London, it’s like a small travel on your phone ! By the way it’s a wonderfull way to meet new people, to discuss with people from a lot of different countries and even sometime have the chance to participate to great projects like InstaTuk ! For exemple i met some people in Paris around our passion of photography or because we saw that we’re a going in the same places, and hope the readers of Tuktuk.ro are doing the same and enjoys greats experiences around photography and around Instagram !
7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?
Mama a fost fotografa asa ca m-am nascut si am crescut cu ideea si esteticul fotografiei. Imi place sa fac fotografii iar iPhone-ul a schimbat complet felul in care obisnuiam sa pozez. Mic, mereu la purtator, poti poza tot felul de lucruri pe care le vezi in timpul zilei, sa le modifici sau sa le stergi daca nu esti multumit de rezultat.
De asta vara sunt pe Instagram si vreau sa spun ca sunt din ce in ce mai atras de el. E atat de magic sa descoperi in fiecare dimineata sau seara fotografii realizate de oameni din intreaga lume! Plaje din Brazilia sau Australia, biserici din Spania sau Italia, peisaje din SUA sau Rusia, detalii arhitectonice din Tokyo sau Londra – e ca si cum faci mici calatorii cu propriul tau telefon. Oricum, e si un excelent mod de a cunoaste noi oameni, de a discuta cu persoane din tari diferite si chiar de a avea sansa sa iei parte la proiecte precum InstaTuk! De pilda, ma intalnesc cu cativa oameni din Paris cu care impartasesc aceeasi pasiune a fotografiei si frecventam aceleasi locuri, asa cum sper ca fac si cititorii TukTuk.ro.

Follow Les Garcons aux Foulards on Instagram / Urmareste-l pe Les Garcons aux Foulards pe Instagram: http://instagram.com/lesgarconsauxfoulards
Read Les Garcons aux Foulards’blog / Citeste blogul Les Garcons aux Foulards: http://lesgarconsauxfoulards.blogspot.ro/
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