Hasan Ali – Antalya, TURCIA
Hasan Ali, a.k.a. si_murgg makes art from Instagram. His pictures have always an impact mainly because their athmosphere. Sometimes noir, sometimes mysterious, every time so cool. And every of his picture has a story, associated by Hasan with a movie. Or a book. Gorgeous!
Hasan Ali face arta din Instagram. Fotografiile lui au un impact imediat, in primul rand datorita atmosferei. Uneori noir, alteori plina de mister dar de fiecare data foarte cool. In plus, fiecare poza de-a lui, spune o poveste. Una pe care Hasan o asociaza cu un film. Sau cu o carte. Minunat!
1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?
I’m a photographer/videographer who lives in Antalya and Istanbul/Turkey. I am working as a freelancer and spend my time mostly reading books, watching movies, going out for photography and drinking with my friends.
1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?
Sunt fotograf/videograf, traiesc in Antalya si in Istanbul – Turcia. Lucrez ca freelancer si imi petrec majoritatea timpului citind carti, uitandu-ma la filme, facand fotografii si band cu prietenii.

2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?
I am living in Antalya and Istanbul. Istanbul is a world famous city. So, maybe it will be better to tell about Antalya more. Antalya is a touristic city which is on the south coast of Turkey.
Most beautiful thing about my city is Mediterranean Sea. City is on the coast and has an amazing sea view.
Another detail about it is, city has an ancient history. While you walk around, you can see historical remains of Roman and Ottoman Empires. Also there are many ancient cities like Perge, Olympos and Termessos around Antalya.
And finally, city is easy to live. There are many alternatives for drinking and eating. There is a huge range between luxury and cheap restaurants/bars. What i don’t like about my city is, it is really hot in July and August.
2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?
Traiesc in Antalya si in Istanbul. Istanbul e un oras cunoscut asa ca poate ar fi mai bine sa vorbesc mai mult despre Antalya. Antalya e un oras turistic, situat pe coasta de sud a Turciei.
Cel mai frumos lucru este Marea Mediterana. Orasul e pe coasta si are o priveliste marina uluitor de frumoasa.
Un alt detaliu interesant e legat de istoria antica a orasului. Daca te plimbi prin el, vei intalni ruine istorice apartinand imperiilor Otoman si Roman. De asemenea, in jurul Antalyei sunt multe orase antice, ca Perge, Olympos si Termessos.
In fine, e un oras in care se traieste usor. Cu multe alternative in privinta mancarii si bauturii. Exista o gama foarte mare de localuri, de la cele de lux la cele ieftine.
Ce nu-mi place la orasul meu este canicula din iulie si august.

3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?
My favorite place is a little town called Çıralı which is 80 km away from city center. It has a very long coast. There you can find many alternatives for accommodation. These are not 5 star hotels. There is a huge range between good boutique hotels and camping sites. The local fish restaurants on the coast are also fantastic.
Side, a touristic town located on an ancient city which is 70 km away from city center, is not my favorite but a must see. It is surrounded by 5 star hotels. While you take your time between luxury shops or restaurants, you can also visit many ancient remains which belongs to Roman Empire. Side is located on a peninsula so wherever you look, you also see the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.
And of course, if you visit Antalya, it will be nice for you to see the region in the city center which is called Old Town. This part of city is surrounded by ancient city walls. No modern buildings here… Only stone or wooden homes. There are many shops, restaurants, bars and boutique hotels here.
3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?
Locul meu favorit este un orasel pe nume Cirali, situat la 80 km de centrul Antalyei. Are o lungime de coasta foarte intinsa, unde gasesti multe locuri de cazare. Dar acestea nu sunt obisnuitele hoteluri de 5 stele. E o gama uriasa de locuri, de la hoteluri de tip boutique la campinguri. Iar restaurantele de acolo sunt fantastice.
Side, un orasel turistic construit pe locul unui oras antic, si aflat de 70 km de Antalya, este urmatorul loc in care as duce pe cineva. Este tixit de hoteluri de 5 stele. Dar in timp ce-ti faci veacul prin magazine si restaurante de lux, poti gasi timp si pentru a vizita ruinele romane. Side e situat pe o peninsula, asa ca oriunde ai privi, vei fi inconjurat de Marea Mediterana.
Desigur, daca vizitezi Antalya, trebuie sa mergi in centrul vechi, care este inconjurat de ziduri. Aici nu exista cladiri moderne. Doar case din piatra si lemn. In plus, sunt multe restaurante, baruri si boutique-hoteluri.

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?
For dinner, i generally go to fish or kebab restaurants. I think, fish restaurants are better in Antalya. For best kebab restaurants, east part of Turkey is better. For drinking, i prefer beers. But for a tourist, Turkish Rakı will be a fantastic experience. It is good to drink with both fishes and kebabs.
4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?
La cina, merg de regula la restaurante cu specific pescaresc sau de tip kebab. Cred ca restaurantele pescaresti din Antalya sunt cele mai bune. Pentru kebab, cele din estul Turciei sunt mai ok. De baut, prefer berea. Dar pentru un turist, Raki este o experienta fantastica. Si merge perfect atat cu peste cat si cu kebab.

5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)
My favorite place to eat in Antalya is Antalya Balık Evi which can be translated as Antalya Fish House. A luxury restaurant where you can find and taste Mediterranean cuisine. Don’t forget to order Turkish Rakı.
5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?
Restaurantul meu preferat din Antalya este Antalya Balik Evi, care s-ar traduce Antalya Fish House. E un local de lux unde poti savura gastronomia mediteraneeana. Si nu uita sa comanzi Raki!

6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)
I like to travel. My favorite place is Cappadocia in Turkey. Cappadocia means „Land of Horses”. But it is not famous with horses. Geography here is so amazing. There are thousands of fairy chimneys, churches, wall paintings, underground cities around it. Local and traditional wine houses are also very good.
6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?
Imi place sa calatoresc. Locul meu favorit este Cappadocia, din Turcia. Cappadocia inseamna “Taramul cailor”. Dar nu este faiomos datorita cailor. Locul e uimitor. Sunt mii de burlane naturale, manastiri, picturi pe stanci, orase sub pamant. De asemenea, mancare si bautura traditionale sunt foarte bune.
[nggallery id=16]7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?
I take a lot of pictures. That’s the best way for me to express myself. Instagram is my favorite social media platform. A good way to meet new places and cultures.
7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?
Fac multe, da. Este cel mai bun mijloc prin care ma pot exprima. Instagram este platforma mea sociala favorita. Un loc excelent, in care pot face cunostinta cu locuri si culturi noi
* Follow Hasan on Instagram / Urmareste-l pe Hasan pe Instagram: #si_murgg.
* Follow Hasan on twitter / Urmareste-l pe Hasan pe Twitter: @si_murgg
* Buy Hasan’s pics on Instacanvas / Cumpara fotografiile lui Hasan, pe Instacanvas: instacanv.as/si_murgg
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