
InstaTuk: Deborah Tracey (USA)

Deborah Tracey – Alta Loma, Southern California, USA

debtracey1Deb Tracey is a photographer. A proffesional one. Whe you link the Instagram app with proffesional photographers, is like you open a box of chocolates and remember Forrest Gump’s mom. In some cases, the chocolates are excellent. This is the case of Deb. Her passion for visual images, together with her joy of life, brings fantastic shots, even from a small camera like iPhone.

Deb Tracey este fotografa profesionista. Atunci cand pui laolalta Instagramul cu un fotograf profesionist, e ca si cum deschizi o cutie de bomboane si iti amintesti de mama lui Forrest Gump. In unele cazuri, bomboanele sunt excelente. Este si cazul lui Deb. Pasiunea ei pentru imagini, impreuna cu bucuria vietii, scot la iveala fotografii fantastice. Chiar si dintr-o camera foto atat de mica, precum cea a iPhone-ului.

1. Tell us a few words about you. Where do you live (country / city), what is your current ocupation and what are your passions?

I was born in Rochford, in the south of England (Essex County), in 1960, and my parents brought me to Southern California, United States, in search of work, in 1963.  We came with our clothes and a little bit of money, from selling whatever they had, and my dad got a job with Disney!  They both worked to own a little fixer home and have retired in a tiny town, called Sublimity, in the state of Oregon.  We all eventually became citizens and my brother was born in the U.S. in 1966.  I have been married for over 27 years to a wonderful man, and have raised 3 children.  I went back to school several years ago, to study the technical aspects of photography, and have been a professional photographer in the beautiful foothills of Southern California for 12 years.  I would say, besides growing up “dancing,” I’m passionate about art in general and love people and the world around me. Now I live in Alta Loma.

1. Spune-ne cateva vorbe despre tine. Unde locuiesti (orasul / tara), cu ce te ocupi si ce pasiuni ai?

M-am nascut in Rochford, in sudul Angliei (Essex County), in 1960, iar parintii mei m-au adus in California de Sud, Statele Unite, in 1963, pe cand cautau de munca aici. Am venit doar cu hainele si cu foarte putini bani, vinzand tot ceea ce aveau. Tatal meu a prins o slujba la Disney! Ambii au muncit sa ridice o casa si s-au retras apoi intr-un orasel numit Sublimity, in statul Oregon. Eu sunt maritata de 27 de ani cu un barbat minunat, impreuna cu care am crescut trei copii. Acum o vreme m-am intors la scoala pentru a studia aspectele tehnice ale fotografiei si, de 12 ani, am devenit fotograf profesionist aici, la poalele frumoaselor dealuri din sudul Californiei. As zice ca, pe langa faptul ca am crescut „dansand”, sunt pasionata de arta, in general, si iubesc prietenii si lumea din jurul meu.Acum locuiesc in orasul Alta Loma.

Pollen harvest, in Oregon

2. Do you love your city/place you live in? What are the best 3 things you can tell about your living place? And one of the worst?

Yes, I do, for it’s solace, mountains, trees, horse trails and general photographic beauty, however it can be too much solace and I crave the energy of a big city and a good conversation.  I believe the melting pot of California and it’s economy, has made for a “less” neighborly environment.  People come and go, working, doing, and no one I speak to feels like they really know their neighbors.  California’s greatest draw is it’s incredible climate and no one can complain about that.

2. Iubesti orasul/locul in care traiesti? Care sunt cele mai bune trei lucruri pe care le poti spune despre acesta? Si care ar fi unul mai putin bun?

Da, il iubesc, pentru faptul ca e un oras linistit, cu munti, copaci, carari pentru cai si care are, in general, o frumusete fotografica. Uneori e prea multa liniste insa iar eu tanjesc dupa energia unui oras mare si a unei conversatii. Cred ca oala in care-si amesteca economia statul californian a facut sa rezulte un mediu inconjurator mai putin „invecinator”. Oamenii vin si pleaca, fac si dreg, dar niciunul cu care am vorbit nu-si cunoaste cu adevarat vecinii. Oricum, marele avantaj al Californiei este climatul – nimeni nu se plange de el.


3. If you would be a guide for a tourist in your city, which are the 3 best places you would take that tourist and why?

Locally, we have a gorgeous outdoor shopping area, called Victoria Gardens.  It’s set at the base of the foothills and the shopping, food and ambiance is wonderful.  We can drive 30 minutes, south, to Disneyland, and 15 minutes past Disneyland, to the best beaches in the world, i.e., Newport, Laguna, etc.  and… I’ll add 2 more (oops!), 30 minutes west, you are on Colorado Blvd., in cosmopolitan Pasadena, and 15 minutes further, amongst the tall buildings, shops, museums and theater district of Los Angeles.

3. Daca ar fi sa fii ghid pentru un turist in orasul tau, care ar fi cele mai bune 3 locuri in care ai duce acel turist si de ce?

Aici, in oras, avem o excelenta zona de shopping in aer liber, care se numeste Victoria Gardens. E amplasata la poalele dealurilor iar shoppingul, mancarea si ambianta sunt minunate. Apoi, putem conduce 30 de minute in sud, spre Disneyland iar la 15 minute dupa Disneyland sunt cele mai bne plaje din lume. De pilda Newport, Laguna etc. La 30 de minute spre vest ajungi pe Colorado Blv., in cosmopolitul Pasadena iar la inca 15 minute distanta se afla Los Angeles, cu cladirile sale inalte, magazinele, muzeele si zona de entertainment.

Ian, on Brooklyn Bridge

4. What do you like to eat? Tell us which local food is the best? And what local drink?

It doesn’t matter who visits us, near or far, we always end up at a hole in the wall Mexican food hangout, called “Tios,” and I would say it’s the best Mexican fare in town.  You always run into someone you know and match that with a cold Corona or Modello beer and your set.  I’m sure I could get fancy, but there’s too many choices in Southern California to list.

4. Ce-ti place sa mananci? Ce mancare locala ai recomanda? Dar bautura?

Nu conteaza cine ne viziteaza, din apropiere sau de mai departe, intotdeauna sfarsim intr-o gaura din zidul culinar mexican, denumita Tios. As zice ca e cea mai buna solutie mexicana din oras. Alegi ceva cu care esti obisnuit, il asortezi la o sticla rece de Corona sau Modello si gata. Sunt sigura ca as putea alege ceva mai fancy, dar sunt prea multe localuri ce pot fi alese in California de Sud ca sa le mentionez.

New York City

5. Which is the best place to eat in your city and why? (name of the restaurant/tavern/etc)

see #4

5. Care e cel mai bun local din orasul tau si de ce?

Vezi raspunsul de la 4.

Melrose Avenue, L.A.

6. Do you like to travel? What is your favorite place where you’ve been and what is the place you would like to visit and why? (local or in the whole world, doesn’t matter)

Having 3 children has made it more difficult and expensive, over the years, but in recent years, with them leaving home, we have traveled more, and I would say that I’m in love with New York City.  I think of it every single day.  There is so much energy in that city and now I want to explore Chicago, Boston and really travel around America more.  Of course I dream of going “home” and exploring the entire U.K. someday.

6. Iti place sa calatoresti? Care e locul tau preferat, in care ai ajuns, si care e locul unde ti-ai dori sa ajungi si de ce?

Cand ai trei copii e mai dificil si mai scump sa calatoresti dar in ultimii ani i-am lasat acasa si am calatorit mai mult. As zice ca sunt indragostita de New York. Ma gandesc la el in fiecare zi. E atata energie in orasul acela… Acum imi doresc sa explorez Chicago, Boston si sa calatoresc mai mult prin America. Si, desigur, visez ca intr-o buna zi sa ajung „acasa” si sa vizitez intreaga Marea Britanie.

Times Square

7. Do you take a lot of pictures? Why do you like Instagram?

It’s my life!  ha ha!  I fought Instagram for a long time, because I thought, “not another thing,” and then I started to see the quality of the iPhone and got a bit addicted to the challenge of taking photos with my iPhone!  I am so blessed to work as a professional photographer and carry quite a bit of heavy equipment.  My work will never get old, as long as I’m able to be creative and not be a slave to it.  With Instagram, and my simple iPhone, it has been a refreshing and easy way to stay connected with people all over the world and visually “see” what they are up to!  It’s the greatest diary you will ever “read”

7. Faci multe fotografii? De ce iti place Instagram-ul?

E viata mea! M-am luptat cu tentatia Instagram-ului vreme indelungata, gandindu-ma, “o, nu, nu altceva!” apoi mi-am dat seama de calitatea camerei foto de la iPhone. Un fotograf profesionist trebuie sa care mereu cu el o multime de echipament, destul de greu. Dar munca mea nu va deveni niciodata desueta atata vreme cat imi pastrez creativitatea si nu devin sclavul muncii. Asa ca Instagram-ul, impreuna cu iPhone-ul, reprezinta o modalitate excelenta de a pastra legatura cu oameni din intreaga lume si de a “vedea” ce fac si ei. E cel mai grozav jurnal pe care l-ai putea citi vreodata.

Coronado Island

* Follow Deb on Instagram / Urmareste-o pe Deb pe Instagram: @debtracey.

* Follow Deb on her website/ Urmareste site-ul lui Deb:

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